[Blind Date] Wisteria & Victor

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Wisteria had a big day lined up for himself. He readjusted his hat once more and brushed out his hair for good measure before taking his small handbag out with him through the door. Today, he was going on a blind date in the spirit of Matentines and hoped, by Murmur's grace, that it would end up well. He didn't care if anything led to an actual mate, of course! No, something like that didn't need a blind date; there were plenty of buns he could throw himself at or, realistically, throw themselves at him. It wasn't even going to be Wisteria's responsibility after the fact, so why would he waste a perfectly good opportunity just for kits?

No, the real purpose of the blind date was simply this: get out of the atelier. The pride bun spent too much time working, lost in their own craft to care about making friends or meaningful connections. They had lovely clients certainly, but none that Wisteria felt they could genuinely call their friend. Sure, to someone else that may seem like a lonely existence but Wisteria didn't mind since it meant making the world around them beautiful and to be surrounded by beautiful things, by beautiful people, was all he could ask for. 

Today, however, he would change that- even just a little! He hoped he would meet someone interesting and maybe, just maybe, make something real out of it.

He eventually arrives to a small coffee shop, holding onto a card with just the following: "Victor / Lust horns" scrawled across it. Wisteria straightens their posture and takes a seat at the table closest to the window. They scanned the shop, wondering if their would-be date was already there.


“Haeh? Can't hear ya!” Victor mumbles from the bathroom, toothbrush stuck out of his mouth and hairbrush in his hooves. He brushes his bangs down, pushes them to the side, and pins them back with a golden clip. On the bathroom sink, just barely avoiding being splashed with drips of water and toothpaste, is a paper card. Similarly to the one in the hands of his blind match, it reads: Wisteria, Pride Horns. He scrubs his teeth, swishes, spits, and hops down from the sink.

“I said,” a gentle voice repeats from the next room. “Make sure you take your money with you. I've left you extra in your pouch. I suspect I won't be seeing you again for quite some time, so make the most of it.” Dutchess waves two lazy fingers at the door from her reclined position in bed. 

Victor chuckles under his breath. “You know me, Miss. Always got somewhere to be… Meeting someone nice today. Supposed to be a little party. I'm hoping I'll be able to set up for my next gig for a while… maybe find someone who needs a tune or two. Or just-”

Dutchess waves again, more insistent.

“- make someone drunk and smiling. Thank you again. See you around!” Victor takes his small collection of belongings: his lute, pouch, and weepy teacup imp, and hurries out from the apartment, down to the street, and toward the cafe written on the back of his card. On purpose or by the impatience of the rich woman whose house he just left, Victor does arrive unreasonably early. It's fine, though! He has time to stretch out, set his lute down, order two coffees and a cake slice to share, obsessively check and refreshen his breath, and… tune his instrument, as annoying as that is in a public place. And sure enough… a prideful bun somes in sooner or later, looking like they're looking for someone, and sits down away from Victor. He smiles.

Victor greets Wisteria by placing his card with their name down on the table in front of them, tossing his tied ears over one shoulder, and winking his eye with a teardrop marking under it. “Someone order a cup of coffee and a sipping partner?”

Wisteria didn’t have to wait long it seemed. The chime of the door alerted them to a newcomer and lo and behold, a bun with lust horns appeared before them and, by Sulfur, began to approach. Straightening out even more, Wisteria coolly observed the newcomer; his markings, the pinkish-red beret he wore, the large bow and lute on his back. The tear tattoo was the most distinguishable trait to the pride bun, nevermind the silly introduction he gave. Right, introductions. The purple bun cleared their throat and stood from their chair.

“If you happen to be a Victor, then yes,” Wis giggled politely, offering the chair in front of them. “Otherwise, you’ll have to get coffee on your own. On a blind date, you see.” But it was clear the other bun was Victor, given their now-matching cards on the table. He extends a paw to give as a handshake.

“I’ll head to the counter and get our orders. Do you enjoy anything in particular?” They hummed, peering at the unoccupied counter and buns who busily worked behind it. “I for one am a bit of an affogato though, I suppose that’s more dessert than coffee…” Came their sheepish admission, face warm now that they felt they were not as sophisticated or cool as they wanted to project. 

“But please, take a seat. I won’t take long.” 

Victor brushes his hoof back through his blond bangs, tips himself down, and bows to his new acquaintance. When he straightens back up, he takes Wisteria’s offered hoof in his own and brings it up to give it a soft ‘kiss’ by tapping the end of it to his fuzzy nose.  “The one and only Victor of my kind, I think. It’s nice to get to meet you, Wisteria. A blind date isn’t usually my type of fare… but I think I must have pulled the jackpot today.” He gestures to the pretty purple bun in front of him, chuckling.

At the offer, Victor releases Wisteria and hops up into the open chair. He adjusts his lute to hang over the back so he can recline. “Hm…” He hums. “You like sweet things, huh?” he surmises. “Cute. Just burrowicano for me, with a splash of milk. Why don’t we get a slice of care to share? If you don’t mind doubling up on some sweet indulgence this morning~”

The little kiss to his hoof sends a blooming warmth throughout the pride bun, a sense of shyness that caught him off guard. He maintains an air of serenity though it’s hard to deny the soft tint of red on the corner of his cheeks. “Of course, a burrowicano…” He murmured to himself, hoping he won’t forget. “And if you insist, how can I say no?” Wisteria strides to the counter and orders their drinks and snacks, adding a small order of cookies. When that’s done, he returns to the little table just for them two and sits opposite of his would-be date, soaking them in with curious glances. 

“You’d fit right into my atelier…” They murmured mostly to themself before realizing they had done so. “What I meant is- ah, I got ahead of myself…even when I’m away from it, I can’t help but think about work.” Comes their embarrassed sigh, their tail swishing low as a follow up. “I don’t often do stuff like this either. I mean, granted it’s for Matentines and everyone has their own reasons to enjoy the festivities. I figured I might as well take advantage of it and network. Or, er. Make friends?” This was definitely going about as odd as he expected. Wisteria wondered if his blind date would want to pack up before their drinks were served.

“But enough about myself. What is it that you do? A, musician?” He spotted the instrument on his back but couldn’t remember if it was called a lute or a lyre. Those were different instruments, right? “I wish I had a sense for music! I do love to put something on when I work but reading sheet music and playing at the same time? Yeah, it doesn’t work out.” 

Victor propped himself up on the table in front of him, hoof on his chin, as he watches the lilac colored bun walk away to place their orders. The swish of the veil on his hat is… cute. Victor appreciates his aesthetics fully. A nice bundle of flowers here, an opulent little ribbon there… It’s nice. He appreciates a bun that can take care of themselves and likes to dress up and present as much as he does. Victor is still observing Wisteria when he comes walking back from the counter and hops up into his seat. He grins, curling up the edges of his bunny-mouth.

“You run an atelier?” he hums, eyes closing to picture such a place decorated as adorably as Wisteria is. “Mmm…” He nods along to his ramblings, not seeming to mind at all the little babbles that Wisteria feels are awkward and odd. “I’d like to see your place sometime, then. Even if it’s just so I can pull you out of it after I’ve gotten a tour. Whatever the reason… sounds like it’s a good thing you made yourself leave work behind today, mm?”

At the next question, Victor reaches behind himself and pulls his lute around so it rests against his chest instead of his back. He brushes his hoof down the strings, filling the air in that corner of the room with a pleasant chord. Several people certainly turn to look his way with a squint or a sigh, one too many annoying buns with guitars where they shouldn’t be he assumes, but he continues on regardless. “A musician is a good way to put it! I mostly am a traveller, but I get my money from putting on shows or busking from time to time. It’s a decent job to fund my journey expenses.” He plucks a few strings while they wait. “I could teach you how to find a melody without sheet music if you take me to your atelier~”

Now that Wisteria was sitting face to face with Victor, he also took time to admire the bun before him. The delicate patterns on his fur, the beret that complimented his overall look- he wanted so much to see what other outfits would look best on his new companion. It takes everything in his power not to let out a dreamy sigh, utterly distracted in that moment. 

“Ah, yes. I mostly make accessories; things like hats or bags. Occasionally I try my hand at rings or necklaces, but goldsmithing takes a bit more work…” He admits, equal parts earnest and joyful. “An outfit isn’t complete without accessories. It is like making a cake without toppings!” A smile spreads across their face when Victor offers to visit, warmth spreading throughout their body once more. 

“A traveller who puts on shows? Oh, it would be wonderful to have music playing in the atelier one of these days…then, if that’s the case, I would love to have you over!” Wisteria exclaimed in delight, right as their order was served to them. Clearing their throat, they reigned in their excitement before turning to Victor, placing the plate of sweets between them and handing his order to him. “Thank you for your offer, Victor. I’ll try not to disappoint you…!” 

[Blind Date] Wisteria & Victor
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In Prompts ・ By ornamental, apothecarum
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Submitted By ornamental for Blind DateView Favorites
Submitted: 4 months and 6 days agoLast Updated: 4 months and 6 days ago

ornamental: rp partner
apothecarum: rp partner
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[[Blind Date] Wisteria & Victor by ornamental, apothecarum (Literature)](http://succubuns.com/gallery/view/26917)
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