Stimulating Blind Date

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Cyrpil had never been much of a fan of blind dates, but this one was different. He was meeting Dr. Ripley for a little exchange of sorts - whether it be knowledge, numbers, flirtations, or perhaps even certain favors. He wasn't sure, but he was excited nonetheless.


As he walked into the restaurant, he scanned the area for a woman matching the description given by the client. Spying her from afar, he gives a pleasant wave and heads over. “Hi-“ he greets, extending a hand “I'm Cyrpil. It's so good to meet you-“


Ripley is clad in a sleek open-hip dress with a captivating black-red gradient. The cut of the dress left her hips and legs free to move as she pleases. A red lipstick accentuated her smile as she gave him a firm handshake. "Pleasure is mine."


She swirls the wine glass between her fingers and sets the glass down on her plate.


" Shall we begin, then?" She responds her voice a mix of honeyed allure and confident tone.


" Quite humorous that we got paired up for the evening. At least it will be a stimulating conversation. I know very little talk of that name. You are a doctor?" She raises her brow curiously.


He wears a charming smile, fixing his glasses slightly. What interesting company he had for tonight.


“Look at the pair of us. So formal,” he says with a small laugh. “It is quite funny though, isn't it..? Meeting like this. And yes. I am a doctor as well.” Cy takes his seat in front of her and folds his hands in front of him neatly. “I must admit, it is a little odd being on the other end of the table, I feel like I'm the interviewee myself. “ he muses, shaking his head slightly.


Ripley raises a brow, a slight smirk pulling at her lips. " Is that how it seems?"


She laughs and leans back to give the taller bun some space. Taking the wine glass for a light sip.  " Perhaps my wording did come off a bit strong. I just wanted to meet someone who could hold an interesting conversation and share some stimulating topics. "


“Not strong at all.” He says reassuringly. “You don't need to worry about that.”


It was interesting to see someone be so self-confident like this, refreshing actually. He liked her already, and they had only met for a few minutes! He raises a hand to call the waiter. “Let me buy us a bottle. A little liquid courage might help me when I have to impress such a bright mind-“ he teases.


The bottle comes after a while and he raises his glass after it has been poured into both cups. “To.. well. Science-“ he says with an amused laugh-


Ripley chuckles a bit, nodding and clinking her glass against his.

" To science. "


She brings the cup to her lips and takes a sip, eyes never leaving his. " So tell me about yourself. Why did you want to become a doctor?"


She muses before setting her glass down and resting her arm on the table with her cheek against her knuckles.

“ Very few buns have the stomach for the job, I presume. "


“I've always inclined towards the medical field but I do admit, not the surgical kind. I don't think I'd be able to stomach uhm… viscera. Pun intended-“ He taps his chin a bit in thought.


“I'm purely clinical. People are interesting! Sometimes, they just need a little push, some discipline here and there, and suddenly they're better than ever! How about you…? Any interest in the cutting field?” He asks, taking a sip of his glass


" Aww, how disappointing. Well, I would love to see you in action. " She teases him slightly before taking a sip from her glass.


" Yes, I am a surgeon. A great one at that. My interests lie in the anatomical aspect of the job. I enjoy studying the body, and seeing how things work under the surface, if you get what I mean. " Her eyes trail over him briefly and she takes another sip.


" You know, the body is quite beautiful, if you think about it. The way it was designed, the intricate system, everything working in tandem. It's a fascinating thing, isn't it? "


"Why Miss Ripley. By your gaze I feel like you could just eat me right up" he says with a sly smile. Cy leans back slightly, tapping his finger on the table. "Ah. Of course, you are in the surgical field. You have an aura that screams... 'I wait for no one'. I'm glad you're confident in your ability. None of that false humility here." She was proving more and more interesting as they spoke! He was used to people playing off their talents and interests but not Ripley. She was someone who was not going to sell herself short, and Cypril could most certainly respect that. These types of people were a rarity after all.


"To be honest, I've been delving more into the psychological aspect of our physique. I've never been too strong in my anatomy subjects so... maybe I need a refresher course from an expert. Specifically, from someone so passionate about her job."


Ripley gives a smile at his statement and she nods. " Confidence is key in this line of work. "


She swirls her wine glass between her fingers, giving him a look of contemplation before a sly grin pulls at her lips." Oh, so you have? Well, if you're so interested, why not accompany me to the lab? I can give you a private tour. I'll even let you take some notes. "


She says and laughs softly, her eyes glimmering with amusement. “ Unless you still have the inkling I might just devour you alive. "


"A private tour of your humble home, I'd be honored," he says, giving a teasing bow. "If ever you were to 'devour me alive' well. That would be my fault for letting my guard down so-" Cy muses, giving her a knowing smile. It was interesting for her to mention that he was very much surprised at her musings. She was certainly very feisty and assertive, especially for someone so… small. He was almost a head taller than her, yet she spoke with so much confidence he was more than impressed at how she carried herself. But well, to be fair, most surgeons did have an aura of… haughtiness to them. He knew many back in the day during medical school. So really, should he be that surprised?


"The night is young, but things have just started turning interesting. " he hops out of his seat and offers his arm to her. "Lead the way, lady. I've got the wine on my tab already~" He was expecting to just sit around and chat for the evening, and although he was interested in her thoughts on numerous articles of science, he was more interested in what she had in store for them. Actions spoke louder than words after all.


Ripley lets out a laugh and shakes her head, standing up and taking his arm. " You are a peculiar one, aren't you? We can make this date more interesting if you'd like. I certainly have an idea or two. "


Cy smiled a mischievous smile. “I have an idea or two myself~” he muses, already starting to walk down the door. “It’s a battle of wills then. To see whose idea is more… feasible.”


Ripley laughs, shaking her head slightly. What a curious specimen indeed.


“May the best intellectual win.” she muses. Poor Cypril. He truly did not know what he was getting into. She was not some doting lady, some pretty arm candy only for show and tell. No. She was a predator. Someone who always had her eye on the prize, someone who knew how to get prey to her web. And right now, she was weaving a web right in Cypril’s path.


She wondered what kind of experiments she could try on him, specifically in bed. Cypril was a curious fellow, someone who interested her greatly. He was shrouded in mystery and didn’t give much about himself other than he was a doctor as well. What things was he into? Would he break under rough play? How could she get him to beg her name over and over again in the heat of pleasure?


She smiled to herself. The night was young, but Ripley couldn’t wait to get started on her cute new specimen.


“ Tell me more about yourself, Cypril. It is quite rare for me to be interested in anyone. Your personality is quite intriguing. It makes me wonder how far you can be pushed before you break. "


As they make their way towards a dimly lit alleyway, she falls into deep thought, her mind wandering while they leave behind the vibrant and bustling atmosphere of the inner city streets. She takes a sharp turn into a tight corner before her date can utter a word. How far is this lab-

Stimulating Blind Date
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In Prompts ・ By SimplyDefault, soueatsbones

Cypley rot hit hard. Two doctors are going to have some fun together, rather a successful date~!

Submitted By soueatsbones for Blind Date
Submitted: 4 months and 3 weeks agoLast Updated: 4 months and 3 weeks ago

SimplyDefault: Co-Writer & Cybril’s replies
soueatsbones: Ripley’s replies
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[Stimulating Blind Date by SimplyDefault, soueatsbones (Literature)](
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