MYO-6058: Devona

Owned by winterbunz


  Dev, Devvy, many pet names   She/Her   25yo   Gluttony   Female   Lesbian   Single   TBA   163cm / 5'4"   Baker, Content Creator


kind · generous · caring · talkative · indecisive · stubborn · moody · gullible

A loving and social Succubun who adores sweets, luxury, and all things cute and cozy. Despite her self-indulgent nature, she is far from (outwardly) selfish - she loves to shower her friends with gifts, and derives much joy from cooking for others or eating together.

While not busy cooking or lounging in pajamas and watching sappy romance movies, Devona loves to hang out at restaurants and cafes, walk around the fashion district, or head down to the beach for a swim. She can be found at the Rabbit Hole occasionally as well, though doesn't like going there alone in case she gets a little too drunk.

Devona struck a deal with a bakery in the city that sells her goods without her needing to work on-site, but she aspires to open her own business one day. As much as she needs the money to indulge in all her favorite things, she's far from eager to get up early in the morning for anything, effectively delaying her decisions. In the meantime, she runs a food-related channel and blog, where she posts videos of herself cooking, and rates recipes she's tried and places she's visited.

Although she's typically quite chatty and doesn't shy away from striking up conversations with other buns, all that confidence instantly evaporates if met with a beautiful lady and leaves her a flustered, stuttering mess. Rumor has it, she would let them do anything they please with her... as long as they're gentle with her. Please handle with care.


  • Food, both eating and cooking
  • Soft and cozy things
  • Cute accessories and jewellery
  • Romance stories, especially fanfiction
  • Luxurious bubble baths
  • Lots of physical affection
  • Praise, pet play, light bondage


  • The cleanup that comes after cooking
  • Bland or foul-smelling food
  • Strong, bitter drinks
  • Hot weather
  • Getting up early
  • Judgemental people
  • Degradation, any kind of rough play


No Libido  
 High Libido
Alcohol Intolerant  
 Alochol Tolerant

 Design Notes

Should always be portrayed with a chubby, feminine body, she doesn't alter her doll form much at all. You may draw her bigger or change her chest size within reason, but please do not slim her down!

Do not shy away from drawing her with some body hair, particularly leg or pubic hair if visible

The fluffy bathrobe is optional, can also be drawn closed (or with nothing else underneath...)

Feel free to play around with her outfit and hair/ears, she loves dress-up! Usually wears comfortable things in purple, pink, or teal, with black/other dark colors mixed in, and loves to accessorize with jewellery whenever she's going out. However, she rarely wears makeup.


  • She loves so many different foods she has to divide them into categories if asked about her favorites
  • Some of the treats she makes are infused with alcohol, but those aren't for sale... yet.
  • Rather clumsy and easily distracted, which sometimes leads to chaos and small accidents in the kitchen
  • She will try to pet any and all imps she comes across. Has a soft spot for Loafkis in particular
  • Emotional mess, cries easily when frustrated or overwhelmed with emotions or sensations (both negative and positive)
  • Submissive and not confident enough to top anyone she's been with so far. You could even call her a pillow princess, andn ot just because her house is filled with pillows
  • The quickest way to her heart is dessert and cuddles, although she is not quite sure about getting involved in a romantic relationship yet
  • Nobody is leaving her house hungry, she will always feed her guests or at least give them a treat for the road
  • For as social as she is, she tends to avoid very loud and crowded places during the busiest hours


            Relationship Type
 Pronouns  Age


HTML by LeafJelly
  • Gift art is allowed
  • Please ask before gift writing