MYO-3446: Ophel

Ophel is a blunt, naïve, and silly bun that does his best to entertain. If it'll throw someone off, he'll flirt, or joke. It's all he knows really after being taken into Lucero's care. This can lead Ophel in situations where he oversteps and doesn't understand why the other bun is angry with him. It's not malicious, nor intentional in most cases. However, when he does do it purposefully the 'jokes' become a lot crueler. These buns are often the ones that hold grudges and act on them, so Ophel retaliates as he isn't sure what he's done. This then leads to a grudge towards them.

The sloth bun is hard to befriend not only due to this, but because he wants to test them. Often sending them on a wild goose chase to see if there as determined to befriend Ophel as they seem. It has led to Ophel being a bit lonely, but he has to be sure they can stand him! Has to test their mettle and... If they lash out at him then that's on them! Ophel does find it hard to think on his own actions. They are so normal to him that it will take time for him to understand he sometimes takes it too far.

But, in secret Ophel is queit. Withdrawn, anxious that something is going to pop out or a 'funny' prank will dunk him in glitter or slime. It leads to the bun being quite... Jumpy. Never able to sleep peacefully (he's a light sleeper) or relax as there is always something in the corner of his mind that keeps Ophel on high alert.

Height: 5'5

Pronouns: He/Him

Toyhouse: Here!


  • Lucero: Ophel's caretaker, the two have become more like siblings with Lucero being the 'cool older one'. However, Lucero's impish nature made it hard for Ophel to tell when the other was joking or serious. With Ophel's boundaries having been crossed during some of these tricks, Ophel does the same now. Not knowing when to step back. Of course, neither are malicious just... A little... Confused. 


  • 'Tricks'
  • Entertaining others
  • napping
  • soap carving/making
  • coloring
  • collecting oddities
  • Gift art is allowed
  • Please ask before gift writing