MYO-3124: Cassidy

Owned by BonefydSkeleton
2024 Breeding Partner: Grant/MYO-3392
kingfauna HAs permission to breed this succubun


They say there are no Unicorns in Burrowgatory. Uniqors, certainly, who approach only the purest of heart in the mire of joyful sin and unabashed debauchery. But a real unicorn? Nay. And certainly here you would find only a cruel and pathetic mockery of one. 

Born on a cold winterswept day, Cassidy came into the world like many a babe. Tears in their eyes and a desire for comfort in the nurturing arms of a caretaker. But like many Envy buns they scarcely found this desire filled. Often set aside and left to wander the underbrush of cave systems and forested enclosures, Cassidy began collecting imps as friends. A handful of Remil drew close to their soft downy fur and baby loafki nestled in for cuddles beneath the leaves. The joy of a Rabebe mimicking the clumsy hop step of Succubun exploration was a welcome distraction from the steadily widening rift between Cassidy and their peers. Nothing good lasts forever though, and as Cassidy grew in age, it would be time for their horns to sprout and their traits to manifest.  

On the eve of their true initiation into Burrowgatory, Cassidy took one last walk in the forest to steady themself for the new life ahead of them. They sought solace, but what they found was something so much greater. A pure white Uniqor stood amongst the brush. Luminous mane. Luxurious furred tail. Delicate lashes that seemed out of place in contrast to the sharp spikes that rose from its forehead. It was the most beautiful imp Cassidy had ever laid eyes on. Their envious nature corrupted them in that moment. 'How could such a beautiful thing exist while I... I am like this?!' they though. The agony and the beauty churned like a boiling sea and they crumpled to their knees, moved to tears.

Their horns grew Grand with the surge of emotion. The envious desire to be worthy of love by anyone- caretaker, friend, beloved partner -somehow violently transformed their body. Cassidy simultaneously flourished and died all at once. Fingers withered into bone, encased in glass, capturing a permanent frailty. In what could only be called an attempt to mimic the beauty of the Uniqor, a stark white spike protruded from their forehead. But the process was messy, desperate, and uncontrolled, and soon similar spikes were sprouting all over their ears and neck and ankles. Crystalline formations coalesced into a cracked heart on their chest and fell across their abdomen like a mirror. Cassidy looked down at themself and cried. Despite how hot and heavy the tears were, the dead of winter froze them on their cheeks and iced the fresh Willow blooms that were now fighting for survival. Turning tail, Cassidy fled home in an attempt to stop the process, and collapsed miserably into their nest. Unbeknownst to them, the Uniqor had followed, and that night lay beside Cassidy and the other imps, as if drawn to one that seemed at first glance so similar to itself.

Since that day, Cassidy has timidly stepped hoof into Burrowgatory proper. The hustle and bustle of the city still feels overwhelming, but luckily more humble jobs exist on the outskirts. Cassidy can be found at the local medieval styled pub, working as a tavern wench to please customers however they can in an effort to scrape together tips and a meager wage. All their carats go to feeding their imps and as such they have become a familiar face at the Imporium, seeking advice from Hutch on how to manage their growing herd. They've tried their hand at gambling, but few strokes of luck come their way, and the alcohol served in such places is much too strong for this lightweight. It seems the vice that Cassidy indulges in is and always will be envy. The invisible glass wall that separates them from interacting with others too much or forming anything beyond superficial attachments seems impenetrable.

But perhaps all that can change...

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