MYO-2837: Cookie

Cookie is the proud owner of The Opulent, a hotel that is made to feel like home while also giving luxuries to buns. Some even pay rent to live there during hard times, which Cookie allows as he's quite the soft heart from his own early life. Cookie adores having the carats to afford running the place and spare some on soft clothes and self-care supplies. Things or toys he couldn't afford as a kit he can do now. Having been born outside of Burrowgatory under the ownership of a neglectful beast led to Cookie and two others, named Coco and Chip, wandering off before growing their horns while growing feral. While the owner was caught by Murmur and others, the three were not found. Not until a gentle vendetta settler found them and took them in. He cleaned them, made Cookie feel cute and helped them learn to shift. Even learned language from him, even if they Cookie couldn't speak. His brothers just refused. Having been given a home, Cookie wants to do the same when he went to Burrowgatory after the sudden passing of Coahm. 

Because of the passing, Cookie has a fear of the human world despite being curious of the glimpses Coahm gave him and his brothers. Cookie's lack of speech became worse after, almost too timid before Chip stepped in. Coco went to work to help Cookie pay for an old, worn-down hotel and Chip helped make it nice. Cookie now presents himself as a show dog of sorts, always looking his best and becoming expressive and 'loud' thanks to Chip's insistence. Even if he sees his brother Coco less as they both work, and Chip is insistent on being a personal bodyguard to Cookie, he wishes they could all stay together here... He doesn't want to be alone again, they always had each other before Burrowgatory... Running The Opulent isn't a mistake. But Cookie wishes he and his brothers were still with Coahm.

Height: 5'4

Pronouns: He/Him


  • Chip: Cookie's youngest brother, one of the 'Cookie Triplets'. Chip is energetic and tends to wander around when off duty. It took a while Chip to leave Cookie's side and keep a constant vigilance. Cookie assumes that was due to Coco. Despite this, Cookie does miss wandering with Chip, and hates when the other wanders too far. But encourages him to do as he wants, not wanting to keep either brother trapped with him.
  • Coco: Cookie's second youngest brother. The middle triplet. Coco is more feral than either he or Chip, but he has a heart of gold. Coco does play too rough though, as Cookie is very sensitive. Really, Cookie misses Coco a lot. Wandering if working for this Khalil fellow is wise... Cookie already lost Coahm, Chip tends to wander,


  • crossdressing
  • flower pressing
  • sewing
  • figurines, toys and plush collecting
  • butterfly watching
  • cooking
  • Gift art is allowed
  • Please ask before gift writing