MYO-1155: Raphael

Owned by CreativeRed

2024 Breeding Partner: MYO-1739(


He/Him | Homoflexible | Switch | Verse

-Outwardly very cold and serious.

-Meticulous about everything being in its place and keeping things tidy

-Great with numbers

-Also a huge cum slut. He loves cum, loves to be cum on, loves to drink it, loves being creampied.  He especially loves cum on his tentacles.

-Switches between either genitals depending on what his partner wants or what he's in the mood for.

-Uses tentacles to penetrate himself or a partner, or to hold them down.

-He's not picky on gender or presentation of a sexual partner, as long as they have a dick, he's happy. (Penis fetish)

-Romantically only interested in men.

-Due to his love of cum and useage of both genitals, he is pregnant practically every mating season. Often with no idea who the sire is.

-He's in an open relationship with Clay. It's very undefined and unlabeled, but they have a fondness for one-another and get along well, so sometimes they do romantic stuff like cuddle or go on dates.

-Clay has helped him through almost all of his pregnancies At this point it's just established that when he gets pregnant, he goes to Clay's ranch to get pampered until the baby bun is born.

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