MYO-5200: Molotov

Owned by FlytexofxFancy


Nickname Mol Pronouns He/Him Age Late 20s Bun Type Lust Fun Facts HERE NSFW Hell yeah! Height 6' 0'' (182cm) Occupation Crime Syndicate Lackey Song Megaverse MV (CW: flickering lights/flash warning, 'liminal space' vibes)


Charismatic · Adaptable · High-Energy · Clever

"You think I can't do it, huh? Just watch."

At first glance, Molotov doesn't seem anything like what one would expect from a bun personally trained by the leader of a crime syndicate, especially not when compared to his more talented littermate. But Mol has his own skillset, one that makes great use of other's habit to underestimate him.

Despite remaining completely loyal to the Blood Watch Syndicate, Molotov has been able to balance that life with one of his own choosing; a house, plenty of imps, and two loving partners. Many buns in the Blood Watch Syndicate agree that Six and Molotov couldn't be more different... But those that know both on a deeper level disagree.

His Syndicate-related skills include lockpicking, hand-to-hand combat, and using his charisma to making others comfortable enough to speak freely around him...


  • His partners
  • Skateboarding
  • Shitty convenience store food
  • Punk / rock / grunge (etc) music
  • Tactile stim / fidget toys
  • All of Nova's novels and the fanfiction he's written about them


  • Small portions of food
  • Pain
  • Syndicate members learning about Fig
  • Those that don't like imps
  • Hot weather (how is he supposed to wear all that black?)



♥♥♥♥♥ Relationship Type: Littermate (Blood related)

His younger littermate from the same breeding pair, Molotov and [redacted] were inseperable in their early lives, united against their demon caretaker who made 'unfit' sound like a compliment. They were inevitably dumped in Burrowgatory far too early, and it was because of his sibling's hunger for more that the two became firmly cemented in the Blood Watch Syndicate, the Greed even calling himself by his rank one he entered the Syndicate's elite. Despite still seeing him nearly every day, Molotov misses his brother dearly and wishes their early life had been easier. Even while balancing his Syndicate life with a normal one, Molotov makes time to drag Six away from his work, usually with bags of take-out or a bottle of liquor.

♥♥♥♥♥ Relationship Type: Adoptive 'Father'

While he argued against it at first, Zero ended up taking in Molotov and Six as his own. He provided them food and shelter while teaching them the ways of the Syndicate, including training them both in hand-to-hand combat. While Zero began giving more attention to Six as the other proved himself to be a true prodigy, Zero never neglected Molotov, often (with a healthy serving of exasperated affection) giving him extra privileges than one would expect for somebody of his low rank.

♥♥♥♥♥ Relationship Type: 'Aunt'

Molotov's life did a complete 180 when Adelaide came into his life. After she (literally) picked Molotov and Six off of the street and fought with Zero to let them stay at the Syndicate's base, Adelaide acted as the "softer hand" when it came to raising the boys, teaching them about things that had nothing to do with the Syndicate. Molotov still regularly visits Abby at her textiles shop to catch up, very rarely talking about the Syndicate.

♥♥♥♥♥ Relationship Type: Girlfriend / Co-worker

WIP - Venka was originally Molotov's boss of sorts; Molotov could see that Six's choice to assign him to her team was a protective choice, and didn't argue.

♥♥♥♥♥ Relationship Type: Boyfriend


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