MYO-5406: Zero

Owned by Limi
Nicknames REDACTED Pronouns He/Him Age 45 Bun Type Envy Height 6'5" (198 cm) Occupation Syndicate Boss Fun Facts Link NSFW Link Pinterest Board Link


Charismatic - Observant - Deceptive - Manipulative - Efficient

"I have a mission for you. Here is the file with the details. I expect only the best from you."

Zeno is the boss of The Blood Watch Syndicate, having taken over by force from the previous boss. He's rather charismatic and able to manipulate others into performing what he require. When he's not occupied organizing missions, looking over information gathered by his subordinates or hosting meetings with his Watchers; he can be seen having a sparring session with his selected favorites or enjoying a glass of drink with an old acquaintance.

When he's actually seen in battle, it's often with hand-to-hand combat and he often wear brass knuckles to assist in inflecting extra damage. He is undefeatable in combat. Zero prefers having his subordinates fight battles on his behalf as he believe that they are more than capable of handling it.

Those who do know him from either working for him or on more personal level; knows that he is NOT a gentle nor kind at all. He has high expectations and can be rather ruthless & merciless. Those who has tried to escape The Blood Watch has met an unfortunate end. All but very selected few. Those people, he does keep strict tabs on for his amusement. When he do speak, it's rather silky.



  • Incompetence
  • Disobedience
  • Those who has left The Blood Watch Syndicate
  • His time and effort being wasted needlessly

 Design Notes

His colouring is strongly rooted in jewel tones along with black and red.
His ears has tinge of red on the inside. His eyes are red sclera with white and red iris.
His horns starts with dark jade, fading into blue tourmaline into black at the upper tips.
His lower hooves is colored in jade green. His tail spade has lining of jade at the curves and ametrine purple at the tip.
His claws starts with dark red and fades into black.
His hair is primarily black with tints of blue tourmaline.

He is always in doll feet, never hooves.
His clothing aesthetic is suits and he's well dressed with lot of chain accessories. Always formal to a degree.


  • He always keep close tabs on his subordinates, both current and former.
  • His name Zero indicates his ranking and strength in The Blood Watch Syndicate.
  • Information Brokers has very little to no information on Zero as he often keep strictly private life and those who has seen him in battlefields.... do not live to tell the tale.


Adelaide Smith

"Put that knitting needle down, Laide. Just because someone has managed to somehow piss you off does not mean you should use your favorite knitting needles to maim and effectively ruin those pair. You have plenty of knives to use after all."

Zero and Adelaide were raised together since littermates days and are quite close like a family. When Adelaide made the decision to leave the syndicate it greatly upset Zero as he had been under the impression they would be working together always. He did eventually come around to understanding Adelaide's desire for more peaceful lifestyle. They still grab coffee and drinks to catch up over dinner once in while when their schedules lines up. He keeps tabs on her and she's well aware of it.
Should Zero ever find himself in need of her old ways he will call on her as they are a force to be reckoned with. However, Zero is content being behind the desk instead of out in the fields and he has no desire to interrupt her peace.

            Adopted Child

"You are too tense. Deep breath and relax your body. Yes, relax your body. You won't be able to move fluidly and react quickly to anything that comes your way otherwise."

Zero was very displeased when Adelaide first showed up to his personal office with both Six and Molotov in her arms but eventually relented in helping her look after them; eventually coming to care for them on personal level. When it was evident that Six was never going to take to Adelaide's blades, Zero took over in training him in ways of hand to hand combat leading to Six eventually climbing the ranks to where he currently is at. Six is one of Zero's favorites in The Blood Watch and it is a well known among the syndicate members.

            Adopted Child

"Spent all of your weekly stipend already? Molotov it is only the beginning of the week...."

Zero was displeased when Adelaide showed up to his personal office with both Molotov and Six in her arms but eventually came to care for them greatly as he helped her look after them. Zero took over Molotov's combat training when it became obvious that using blades was not suitable for him. He's well aware that Molotov has held himself back for Six's sake, and has taken to teaching him how to use his playful charisma as an advantage in gathering information.


"I see you have returned from your mission, Venka. Give your report now."

Zero was initially disgruntled when Adelaide took Venka in while he was preoccupied with Molotov and Six but she quickly proved her own worth by rapidly adapting to Adelaide's teachings which pleased Zero immensely. Her relentless determination and passionate dedication had her rapidly climbing the ranks. Zero often send her out to patrol the boundaries of The Blood Watch's territories and on missions to assassinate targets.

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