MYO-4805: Reki

Owned by Arashi-Penguin


Electronics Storekeep
"Just had a raspberry pi for lunch, I just couldn't resist."

Girl failure that loves defunct media.

Penny pincher and hoarder. The kind of person who keeps gift boxes and cookie tins to store miscellaneous things in.

Has wack ass store hours so he can go watch Underground Idol concerts. It's his shop, so he can make the rules.

His electronics store is a front for a place shady people congregate to do their under the table business. If you ask Reki about it directly, he'll just say "That has nothing to do with me, how was I suppose to know the whole dead body thing wasn't just a joke?"

More info and art on his TH


Client Acquaintance

A client for a regular customer of his.

They share a love for retro games, always lets Seiga get first pick when he's able to batch order a retro game lot.

Seiga loves live tweeting the aftermath of Reki and Narok's interactions. They find the two very amusing.

Smoking buddies.



Regular Customer | Black business partner

Met through one of Narok's odd jobs (illegal) and stayed as an electronics customer.

Reki finds Narok fun to tease even though Narok makes sure he pays for his doings.

Surprising close friends despite the fact they bicker more often than having normal conversations

Reki loves Narok's drunk singing, reminds him of his favorite defunct idol group.




Customer | Fellow Antique Enthusiast

Drinking buddies, Fellow disaster

They go to Antique faires and garage sales together. Often too early in the morning sporting matching hangovers.

Often Reki will pick up and keep retro/vintage electronics in the back if he finds something to Basilio's taste.



Older Sister | Girl Bestie

Together they gate keep, gaslight, girl boss.

Reki will sometimes call her over to check the "rancid" meter of his shady customers to decide whether to kick them out or not.

If he finds any vintage/antique cards he'll make sure to let Rai have a gander to see if the energy levels would match her homebrew decks.

Reki's taller stature and unkempt look have people assumming he's the older sibling. Rai is infact his older sister. He would like no pickles thank you very much.

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  • Gift art is allowed
  • Gift writing is allowed