MYO-2859: Narok

Owned by Arashi-Penguin


Mechanical Engineer by day, tax evading arcade cabinet repairman by night.
"I only take payment upfront."

Mumbley quiet type. Will bad mouth you if he thinks you're not listening.

Stubborn. Very efficient at work but if he's told to do something that doesn't make sense to him, he'll try to get around it by doing it in the way he thinks works better. Beg for forgiveness later type.

Doesn't know what to do with physical affection/feelings. He just sort of shuts down.

More info and art on his TH


Neighbor | Client

Met doing repairs for arcade machines at the araced Seiga works at. Seeing him work, Seiga asked Narok if he could fix his broken retro cabinet and then they realized they were neighbors.

Narok walks over to Seiga's apartment to fix his cabinet and they provide nice company for eachother. Though neither of them are big talkers they usually fall into a comfortable silence of game sounds and the tinkering of machine parts.

Narok doesn't really know what to do about the fact Seiga is very all up in his space all the time. He knows this isn't particularly different to how Seiga interacts with other people but it can't help but make Narok feel something he hasn't in a while

Seiga is the only one who calls Narok by nicknames as anyone else would get a deathly glare.

Client | Tax evasion buddy

Met at one of his gigs of his side hustle. Narok didn't know he was fixing a majong table at a yakuza joint until they started to ask him to fix their illegal slot machines pachinko machines while he was at it. Them being part of the yakuza doesn't keep Narok from asking for full payment (upcharged) upfront.

Ichiro was one of the clients he found in this new avenue of work, often being called up to mix more than just arcade machines and begrudgingly becoming more of a general repairman. He doesn't mind the extra pay though and finds it nice to find a fellow tax evader to share tips and tricks for evading the law with.

Fellow Hobbyist | Fellow Salaryman

Though they don't work at the same company, they meet up at cafes to work remotely together often to complain about their work.

Though they don't share hobbies, they get along well listening to each other bicker about the other's interests.

Narok has tricked Dashniell into a hardcore mountain hike in guise of a nice photo op location for Dashniell's latest coord.

Narok is not a health nut but pesters Dashniell about his awful work life balance and general self care.

Neighbor | Fellow Piner

The live in the same appartment complex. Met as aquaintences to mutual friends (Seiga and Vivi)

Though they don't share hobbies, they get along well listening to each other bicker about the other's interests.

Both of them pine over their respective friends (Miyu over Vivi, Narok over Seiga) and bond over the fact they're both too pathetic to ever do anything about their feelings.

Miyu has seen Narok carted off to his odd jobs on his days off his normal salaryman job and is concerned he's in some sort of debt. Narok is not but Miyu will probably never know that as she's too afraid to ask.

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