MYO-2673: Seiga

Owned by Arashi-Penguin

2024 Breeding Partner: MYO-3576

@somik has permission to breed this succubun

Arcade Employee, Ex-Salaryman
"Don't expect me to reply to your dms before 5pm bud"

Pretty lowkey personality and very go with the flow. Very lazy, sleepy vibes. More of listener unless you stumble upon his specific hobbies.

Surprisingly touch starved/cuddly with friends?

He also is a slimey little trickster. Will poke and prod at people for funsies

More info and art on his TH


Neighbor | Repairman

Met doing repairs for arcade machines at the aracde Seiga works at. Seeing him work, Seiga asked Narok if he could fix his broken retro cabinet and then they realized they were neighbors.

Narok walks over to Seiga's apartment to fix his cabinet and they provide nice company for eachother. Though neither of them are big talkers they usually fall into a comfortable silence of game sounds and the tinkering of machine parts.

Narok doesn't really know what to do about the fact Seiga is very all up in his space all the time. He knows this isn't particularly different to how Seiga interacts with other people but it can't help but make Narok feel something he hasn't in a while

Seiga thinks it's funny when Narok.exe stops working when he gets all up in his space. But also Narok runs warm so he's prime realestate for great naps.

Seiga is the only one who calls Narok by nicknames as anyone else would get a deathly glare.

Childhood Friend | Older sister vibes

Always harrasses Seiga to get a gf/bf. Seiga is apathetic about the whole thing.

Chloe gets Seiga out of house to be her personal shopping bag assistant at the local mall. Seiga is one of those guys you see waiting with 34543 bags sitting on a bench infront of a Victoria's Secret tbh.

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