MYO-5562: Rai

Owned by Arashi-Penguin
Tarot Reader | Spiritual Specialist
"How have the stars aligned for us to meet today?"

Precise on her readings, curt in her words, but kind at heart.

Her resting bitch face makes her intimidating to many but her standoffish nature mostly comes from her lack of social understandings. (she can "read the room" but she can't read the room... ;v) )

Homebrews her own tarot deck. Some may question her practices but she pays no mind to them. They're just jealous they don't have foil tcg cards in their decks.

More info and art on his TH


Spiritual Buddy | Friend

Found eachother on the equivilant of Facebook Marketplace for old incense.

Rai often calls Shuuji up when she needs a medium.

When Rai does a reading for Shuuji, his spirits always fuck it up giving him all towers. For better or for worse, he will never know his fortune.

He's well aware she treats him like a younger brother despite being a full grown man. He thinks it's a little embarrassing but he could use the help on all accounts.

Younger Brother | Girl Bestie

Together they gate keep, gaslight, girl boss.

Reki will sometimes call her over to check the "rancid" meter of his shady customers to decide whether to kick them out or not.

If he finds any vintage/antique cards he'll make sure to let Rai have a gander to see if the energy levels would match her homebrew decks.

Reki's taller stature and unkempt look have people assumming he's the older sibling. Rai is infact his older sister. He would like no pickles thank you very much.

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  • Gift art is allowed
  • Gift writing is allowed