MYO-1116: Cryssia

Owned by maiasomata


 Cryssia  She/Her  Lust  Lesbian  6'0"  Manager  Doll Form   Lo-Fi
Pagedoll thanks to eroge


Chill · Easygoing · Laid Back · Reliable

Full of good vibes and love for her jellsis, Cryssia is a bun who knows how to have a good time. Universally easy to get along with and somehow present at every rave and festival in the city, Cryssia frequently finds herself enjoying the company of a broad range of personalities. Some of these personalities later turn into clients at Lather with Love, the salon and spa she co-owns and manages with her bestie Leia. The two put plenty of effort into running their establishment, but they also spend plenty of time pampering themselves. Clearly they deserve it after a long day of work! Or before a long day of work. Sometimes in the middle of the workday.


  • Fancy Soap
  • Bath Bombs
  • Jellsi
  • Scented Candles


  • Extreme Weather
  • Stubborn People
  • Bad Vibes
  • Non-Smoking Sections


No Libido  
 High Libido
Alcohol Intolerant  
 Alochol Tolerant

 Design Notes

Cryssia's umbrella is not particularly helpful in the rain. It is also extremely heavy, and those who ask to try to pick it up often fail. The umbrella is made out of a plastic that won't break upon impact, so the jellsi inside is safe if dropped.

Cryssia can usually be found in doll form, it's easier to smoke.


  • Cryssia struggles to be without her beloved imps for any amount of time. Her solution? The jellsi-brella!
  • She has a lava lamp collection that's displayed in the living room.
  • The imps that aren't in her brella are in a tank that takes up the entire wall of the living room in her apartment. There are color-changing LED lights in the bottom so the water color can match the imps' mood.
  • Cryssia is one of those buns that somehow knows everyone - it is rare for her to go out into the city without running into someone she knows.



Cryssia and Leia only met a few weeks before they decided to start a business together. They became fast friends through a shared love of wine, pleasure, and scented bath products. Choosing to share these loves with the world was quite exciting for both of them, and they put their all into running their business as best they can. Cryssia and Leia have a strong relationship both as business partners and as lovers.


Cryssia's oldest friend. She and Super moved in together when they were both new to the city. Their jobs weren't great and their wallets were hungry, so the shared expenses allowed them both to start saving their carats. This eventually led to each of them starting their own businesses. Super's thulu, Stell, is close friends with Cryssia's many imps, and can often be found darting around the glass of the tank.


Diana and Cryssia met as co-cashiers at a dead end job at a convinience store. Both were desperate for carats at the time, and Diana had to resort to couch surfing. She ended up spending several nights at Cryssia's apartment and eventually ran into her roommate, Super. Super offered Diana a place to stay, and Diana was finally able to get back on her feet. Cryssia and Diana still maintain a close friendship, and make sure to spend nights together regularly.

HTML by LeafJelly
  • Gift art is allowed