MYO-1035: Diana

Owned by maiasomata


 Diana  She/Her  Gluttony  Lesbian  5'8"  Receptionist  Doll Form   Jazz
Icon thanks to Pauchisbas
Pagedoll thanks to zachberrie


Sarcastic · Bookworm · Civil · Eloquent

Diana is a rather proud gluttony bun, who knows what she wants and how she’s going to get it. Though she may be a bit prickly at first, once she’s warmed up to somebunny she can be rather warm-hearted and protective. She indulges herself in knowledge, learning as much as she can about everything she can. Picking up new skills is second nature, and she is always trying to improve herself however she can. With a knack for finding perfectly warm and bright spots, Diana can often be found around Burrowgatory with her nose in a book. If not soaking up crystal light, she enjoys frequenting coffee shops, finding herself the best blends buns can buy. Though a gluttony bun, Diana is rather picky with her food, and does not prefer anything sweet. Her only exception is sea salt mochi, with which she often treats herself.


  • Reading
  • Warm Drinks
  • Rainy Days
  • Sea Salt Mochi


  • Getting Dirty
  • Loud Noises
  • Rambunctious Customers
  • Nuisances


No Libido  
 High Libido
Alcohol Intolerant  
 Alochol Tolerant

 Design Notes

Diana always dresses extravagantly, her closet is full of floofy dresses and dark coats with pops of color. Though she claims fashion is not a focus of hers, she wouldn't be caught dead leaving the house in anything less than a dress and a full face of makeup.

For the most part, Diana can be found in her doll form. She finds it easier to converse that way.


  • Diana is a glutton for knowledge, devouring any books she comes across. Her favorites are mysteries and non-fiction books on scientific marvels.
  • Most of her imps were not adopted on purpose, they simply came to live with her whether she liked it or not. The only ones she intentionally adopted are Wallow and Rocky.
  • She starts and ends every day with a warm beverage. In the winters she prefers coffee, in the summers she prefers tea.
  • She is an excellent tailor, and could have a future in fashion design if she put in the effort.
  • She dabbles in acoustic guitar, and has a beautiful singing voice.



Super is Diana's boss and the owner of Super's Stuff. They met when Diana was hooking up with Super's roommate, and as soon as Super found out she needed a place to stay she offered the attic of her newly opened store. In exchange, Diana was to keep an eye on the place. Super wasn't the most responsible bun, and there had already been several incidents of stolen goods when the shop was left unmanned during opening hours. Though Diana wasn't thrilled about having to keep up an entire store by herself, the low traffic allowed her to spend much of the day getting paid to laze about as she pleased, which was ultimately fine by her.

The two did not instantly connect, and have had issues seeing eye to eye in the past. Despite this, their relationship eventually developed into one of mutual respect and admiration. Now neither bun can imagine life without the other, and though they still often disagree, it is clear to all that they have become much more than just friends.


Cryssia and Diana met as co-workers at a dead end job. Neither of them enjoyed their workplace, so they bonded over common gripes and complaints about employees. It didn't take long for the two to start hanging out outside of work, and not long after that they found themselves enjoying a casual sexual relationship.

HTML by LeafJelly
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