Owned by maiasomata


 Super  She/Her  Pride  Lesbian   5'2"  Adventurer  Bun Form   Instrumental
Icon thanks to arashi-penguin
Pagedoll thanks to zachberrie

Super Star Nova

Explorer · Dreamer · Storyteller · Storeowner

Super is the bun that's seen it all. Her claim to fame is tales of  her travels, from the darkest caverns to the harshest plains of Burrowgatory.  Priding herself in having experienced more sights, sounds, and smells than any other bun, Super considers herself somewhat of an extraordinary explorer. Though she can rarely resist the call of adventure, Super has been seen more and more often around the main city, frequenting bars to find patrons that revel in her extensive stories. She thrives off the attention her experiences gain her, and will not hesitate to embellish stories where she sees fit. But honestly, are any other buns gonna bother to go find out if wild sceils really DO have orgies?


  • Discovering new caves
  • Natural wonders
  • Stell, her thulu
  • Telling tales of her adventures


  • Spicy foods
  • Sour alcohol
  • Salespeople


No Libido  
 High Libido
Alcohol Intolerant  
 Alochol Tolerant

 Design Notes

Super's skirt in doll form contains the same liquid as her ears. It is extremely heavy yet somehow she moves with ease. If other buns attempt to pick her up they will find her far heavier than she appears, thanks to the skirt.

For the most part, Super can be found in her bun form. Clothes are too much to worry about.


  • Super prides herself on her experiences, and is always sharing exaggerated yet entertaining versions of her many adventures through the depths of burrowgatory.
  • She met Stell on one of her many adventures to the sea, and learned about the magic of saltwater tanks during the imp training camp.
  • If she needs to ask Diana a favor she makes sure to have some of her employee's favorite tea as a bribe.
  • She's great at swimming in both bun and doll form.


20-image.pngStell (Thulu): Super's ride or die companion, this curious thulu is often tucked into her scarf during her adventures.



Diana is Super's sole employee and is in charge of the day to day needs of Super's Stuff. Super started the store on a whim, employeed Diana on a whim, and hasn't regretted either decision since. Though Diana isn't thrilled about having to keep up an entire store by herself, she gets to spend much of the day getting paid to laze about as she pleases, which is ultimately fine by her.

Diana and Super met when Diana was hooking up with Super's roommate. Though they did not instantly connect, and have had trouble seeing eye to eye in the past, their relationship eventually developed into one of mutual admiration. Now neither bun could imagine life without the other, and though they still often disagree, it is clear to all that they have become much more than just friends.


Cryssia is Super's roommate and oldest friend. They met as fresh faces in burrowgatory, Super's energy instantly meshing with Cryssia's easygoing attitude. Their apartment is full of Cryssia's imps, complete with an aquarium tank full of jellsis that takes up an entire wall.

Cryssia and Super's apartment has a rather strange layout. As Cryssia prefers to stay in doll form and Super in bun form, they've created a space that caters to either preference. The kitchen is made for dolls (Super doesn't cook much), and the living room has couches sized appropriately for either. Both bedrooms branch off the living room, Cryssia's through a doll sized door and Super's through a bun sized door on the opposite wall. The bedrooms are fit to their preferred sizes, Super's has a tiny bed and a bathroom fit for a bun, while Cryssia's is much roomier and has a full sized bathtub.

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