BUN-525: Leia

Owned by maiasomata


 Leia  She/Her  Lust  Lesbian  5'2"  Manager  Doll Form   EDM
Icon thanks to Kuyuma
Pagedoll thanks to zachberrie


Easygoing · Alcoholic · Beach Babe · Flirtatious

Despite being a newcomer to the city, it took little time for Leia's face to become relatively well known throughout Burrowgatory. A chill bun with a love of the Rabbit Hole, her social circle is continually growing through her constant search for conversation, helped by her tendancy to tempt buns with the promise of a shared bottle of wine (or three). During the day she co-owns a salon and spa, Lather with Love, though she often spends as much time pampering herself as she does her clientelle.


  • Merlot
  • Sangria
  • Pinot Noir
  • Rosé
  • Cabernet Sauvignon
  • and the occasional fruity cocktail


  • Shots
  • Beer
  • Porn without plot
  • Bar Food
  • Winter


No Libido  
 High Libido
Alcohol Intolerant  
 Alochol Tolerant

 Design Notes

Leia is always ready for a pool party. Though her floatie doesn't go with her everywhere, she's brought it along to the Rabbit Hole plenty of times.

She's mostly found in her doll form, and is never seen in anything that couldn't double as a bathing suit.


  • Leia has impphobia. Cryssia's imps are tolerable as they are behind glass, but Lather with Love is an imp-free establishment as she tends to freak out upon contact.
  • She's a regular at the rabbit hole and spends frequent nights commiserating with Hops about work.
  • She has a pool floatie collection, and none of them look like imps she's seen before.



Cryssia is Leia's business partner and lover. Together they started a spa, though both buns have a habit of pampering themselves as much as their customers. While it isn't the most popular place in the city, what with the slow service and unavoidable flirting, they have their fair share of regulars and have been able to make a small profit.

Though they try not to make it a habit, it is not uncommon for them to bring a patron or two home with them to participate in their activities.

HTML by LeafJelly
  • Gift art is allowed