Shoulder Friend
...sorta! Would be, were Vrie not getting ready to fall off headfirst.
It sucks that, for the life of him, Elucid could not get Vrie to keep the hat on. The bowtie was gone shortly, too-- not far, though! Vrie liked the clothes so much that, instead of wear them, he chose to grip them with his tentacles, instead, for about 3 days straight before forgetting about them entirely.
Also if it looks proportionally strange it's because I wanted to draw something Fast. I get home tomorrow but the image in my head made me so :) that I wanted to draw it ASAP!!!!
Submitted By biinarysttars
for Best in Show 2023
Submitted: 1 year and 4 months ago ・
Last Updated: 1 year and 4 months ago