[Gift] If you can't get your own invitation, bribe-bought will do

In Prompts ・ By Blesmol
10 Favorites ・ 2 Comments
[Gift] If you can't get your own invitation, bribe-bought will do
10 ・ 2
In Prompts ・ By Blesmol

Anyone who's anyone is going to be at the Gossamer Gala, so naturally, Narcissus had to attend. Whether he's actually invited or not. Unfortunately for him, he's not exactly subtle, and also unfortunately for him, the security doesn't take kindly to uninvited pests - er I mean guests.

Narcy might not have fame, talent, or a likeable personality, but he does have money, and that seems to be persuasive enough (for now, anyway).

(Thank you again GB for letting me borrow Trajan for this!)

(Ahaha got a little carried away with this but then had to rush to make sure I got it in before the end of the event... oh well I TRIED)

Submitted By Blesmol for Invite Only 2023View Favorites
Submitted: 1 year and 2 weeks agoLast Updated: 1 year and 2 weeks ago

golden-boy: Gift For
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golden-boy Avatar

HELP I LOVE THIS SO MUCH YOU DREW TRAJAN SO WELL!!! <333 This turned out fantastic!! Also poor Narcissus XD can't get anything past Trajan

2023-06-07 14:47:39

Blesmol Avatar

So glad you like it! He was a lot of fun to draw. And don't feel bad for Narcissus, it's what he deserves haha

2023-06-07 14:58:00

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