In the outskirts of Burrowgatory lies an abandoned building, forgotten by time but not by a particular inhabitant of the city. Within the thresholds of this eerie structure, a mysterious pool of water holds court, its surface illuminated by an enigmatic ring of light. Here, amidst the quiet solitude of decay, a lone blond succubun boy finds solace in his favorite place.
Known throughout the city for his rowdy demeanor and bold flirtations, this succubun thrives on the energy of the bustling streets. Yet, within the abandoned building, he discovers a different kind of allure—a sense of freedom in the stillness, a respite from the constant noise of the city.
Drawn to the mysterious pool of water with its mesmerizing light, the succubun finds himself captivated by its enigmatic depths. It's just a normal pool of water, but the succubun can't help but come here every weekend. Despite his outgoing nature, here he relishes the silence, finding solace in the quiet contemplation offered by the abandoned building.
Alone yet not lonely, the blonde succubun boy embraces the tranquil atmosphere of his favorite spot, where the allure of the mysterious pool and the haunting silence offer him a refuge from the chaos of urban life in Burrowgatory.
Submitted By Planted101
for Burrow Sweet Burrow
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Submitted: 9 months and 1 week ago ・
Last Updated: 9 months and 1 week ago