[Gift] Lovely phantoms

In Explicit ・ By eidolonartt
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The darkness before his eyes wasn’t absolute. Warm light flickered and danced, muted but still bright enough to bleed through the cloth obscuring his vision. The candle smoke had almost faded entirely into the scent of lavender wax and rose petals scattered around the room, but it still lingered, serving as an acrid undertone to mellow the sweet floral notes. 

Everything was perfect, Celestite hoped. 

His lover had only asked that he bind his hands and cover his eyes in whatever way he saw fit, the rest was Celestite’s own desire for a romantic setting, even if he couldn’t see it. The mystery man who had begun leaving him gifts, tending to him when ill, sometimes swapping notes if Celeste was so lucky, was clearly someone who appreciated such a gesture. He often left roses and other sweet gestures—without even being seen he was more chivalrous than most men in  Burrowgatory.

It ached how badly Celestite wanted to know his face. His name. His touch. Anything at all he could wrap himself in. 

He knew his love would watch him through the windows when he pretended not to know the blinds were parted. Once he even left a picture of Celestite through his bedroom window, laid out on the bed plunging his fingers into his cunt. Even now he still looked at that picture to cum. With breeding season coming up, he couldn’t resist the thought of tempting his lover in by letting heat set in. Forcing himself to settle for thick dildos instead of running to the first cock he could find was a labor of love in itself. For the last week he left his windows open, moaning and begging for relief, for someone to breed his poor, empty womb full. 

Finally, he got what he’d been waiting for. A promise to fuck him, under a few simple conditions. As badly as he wanted to see his lover, he was content with this. So, he ran to buy new lingerie, he decorated, wrapped a thick, dark cloth around his eyes, and cuffed his hands behind his back. 

Celestite had been waiting like that for some time—he couldn’t keep track of how long. Anticipation and arousal made his pulse drum in his ears. The lacy fabric between his legs was growing slick and sticking to his skin wherever it peeked out between his hair. 

Behind him, the faint creak of his bedroom door hinge broke the silence.

He didn’t dare to breathe and strained to hear the footsteps approaching him. Never once had he doubted that he would come, but it seemed unreal that he was here, in the same room, coming to a stop right in front of Celestite. Again, it fell quiet between them. 

A fingertip brushed down his shoulder, against the strap of his bralette. He jumped, gasping in surprise, before his muscles relaxed into the touch. 

“This is new, isn't it? Did you get it just for me?”

His voice was both familiar and not—a fragment from his dreams that suddenly resurfaced and now was something real. The air bowed gently under the weight of his words. Celestite could feel the exhaled breath against his collarbone. His bound hands ached to reach out and grab him. Under the weight of his body's desires he realized he couldn't find any words to reply with, and instead nodded. 

“It's beautiful,” his lover went on. The tips of his fingers traced a path down the curve of his breast and came to rest there, cupping it in his hand. “You're beautiful. Hell. Do you know how long I've waited, Celestite? Watching you put your little shows on for me, watching you touch yourself…then going into heat, just for me? You're perfect.” 

His cunt was clenching desperately around nothing. Celestite took a shuddering breath and forced his dry, heavy tongue to form out a response. “I couldn't resist. I wanted—I want you to breed me. Please, Love.” 

“Soon.” The assurance came with the feeling of his thumb caressing his cheek, guiding his head slightly up. “I'll breed you tonight. But I want to enjoy you first.” 

Before he could reply, his lover pressed his lips against his own in a drawn out kiss. For that moment the haze of lust left his mind to enjoy the sensation to the fullest. His heart fluttered in a way he wasn't sure he'd ever felt before—the joy of love, reciprocated. A feeling that made him want to curl in bed with the other man and kiss like that for hours. 

Sweetness turned to warmth again as his lover parted his lips to deepen the kiss, and Celestite eagerly responded likewise. Their tongues mingled and they drew in each other's breath. The hand on his cheek moved down to wrap loosely around his neck, as if testing how well the curve fit into his palm, then moved further down still. He snapped the strap of his bralette, making Celestite gasp softly and smile into their kiss. His touch settled with either hand on his waist, gripping him closer, which drew out moans from between kisses. Pleasure made his head spin and cunt throb in tandem. He wanted to be eaten whole by this man he couldn't even see.

Eventually he had to catch his breath, though and his lover pulled away at the same time. 

“You're so eager for me,” he said after a pause, his voice more breathy than before. “I should have expected it. You were so good getting ready for me.”

His heart jumped. Celestite couldn't remember ever having such a strong reaction to being praised, but now his chest glowed and a shiver ran down his body. “Of course. I've wanted to meet you so bad. This was the least I could do.”

“The least you could do was wait bound and blinded, but you got dressed up and decorated. I appreciate such a thoughtful boyfriend.” As he spoke, he ran his hands up Celestite's forearms and down his chest again. The gesture didn't seem intended to tease, rather that he wanted to take in every inch of the man before him. Celestite spread his legs slightly, inviting him to touch lower, and he heard the other man chuckle. “I know what you need. I haven't forgotten.”

His touch moved lower, down Celestite's waist and hips, a hand on either side squeezing the curve of his body. He bit his lip as his lover slowed to an agonizing pace once his fingers met his thighs. Caressing the soft flesh between that was smeared with his slick, dipping beneath his legs, grabbing at his hips again, but never coming close to his cunt. Celeste tried and failed to bite back a whimper.

“Gorgeous,” his love whispered, reverence layered Into the word. 

He continued like that for a minute, touching anywhere but the drenched strip of cloth covering his pussy. The occasional whimper turned to whining, and he was on the verge of begging when suddenly both hands pulled away. The other man said nothing, and Celestite held his breath. 

What he felt next made him cry out softly and his entire body jerk in the chair. His lover was stroking his cock through the panties, pressingly firmly, intent on making him squirm.

“From your windows I couldn't tell it was this big,” he breathed, his voice further down now, as if he were kneeling between Celestite's legs. 

It was true—his cock was nearly as big as his thumb and bulged in his delicate underwear when he was this turned on. Celeste didn't reply, instead focused solely on humping his lover's hand with single-minded desperation. 

The other man laughed and adjusted his hand, placing a finger on either side of his cock and squeezing lightly. 

Celestite moaned weakly. It was hard to move the ways he wanted to while bound to the chair. But it still felt so good fucking the crook of his fingers, fabric rubbing against his dick with each thrust. Just when he felt his orgasm building, he pulled his hand away, leaving him to whine pathetically. In response, he felt his love kiss his stomach, then inside his thighs. “Please,” he groaned, shifting his hips for emphasis. Again, a laugh, before he reached around to start pulling his underwear off. Celestite eagerly moved in tandem to speed up the process.

“You're free to cum once,” he hummed once the panties were set aside. The man reached up to stroke his outer lips with the tips of his fingers, seeming amused by the way it made Celestite squirm. “After that, I'll breed you. I promise.”

Celeste nodded, head leaned back against the chair, and waited with shallow breath for what would come next. 

Warm, soft lips wrapped around the head of his cock. His back arched and he fought to keep his thighs from closing reflexively. His beloved let his tongue slip out and lap at the rest of his cock, teasing it before taking it into his mouth as well. If that wasn't enough, Celeste moaned deeply as a pair of fingers nestled into his dripping wet cunt. They slid in easily, just big enough to feel when he clenched around them. 

He melted into a mess of increasingly loud cries of pleasure as his love settled into a steady pace sucking his dick and stroking his cunt from the inside. A few broken curses were all he could get out before cumming hard. 

Pleasure relaxed his muscles and he slumped back against the chair, panting heavily. Behind the blindfold he let his eyes fall closed in the afterglow. His lover had pulled away at some point during, and now was stroking his thigh, peppering kisses around on his legs. They stayed like that until Celestite began to catch his breath, only then did his love seem to stand again and kiss him on the lips.

“Feeling good?” He asked softly. Celeste could picture the smile he must have had on his face.

“So, so good,” he breathed in response.

The floor creaked as the other man stepped away. “You're about to feel even better. But I think we would be more comfortable on the bed.” 

He'd left the key for his handcuffs in plain sight on his night stand, framing it with candles. His lover must have seen it coming in as he returned a moment later behind Celeste to unlock the cuffs. Before Celestite could begin pulling his arms free, he felt a hand wrap around his wrist and guide it in front of him as he pulled the cuffs away. 

“Ah, no, I just want you to be more comfortable. But I like seeing you bound.” The words whispered against his ear and he nodded in understanding. 

Celestite’s hands were cuffed again in front of him, and his love gently guided him up and onto the bed. His legs felt weak from his orgasm minutes before and he stumbled, but the other man ensured he wouldn't fall with an arm cradling his waist. He settled in bed on his back and kept his legs spread. Excitement drummed in his chest feeling the bed shift beneath the weight of his lover as he joined and positioned himself in front of Celestite’s glistening cunt. 

“Ready for me to breed you, baby?” 

His hands slid up Celeste's thighs, squeezing where they curved the thickest. 

“Yes! Yes, God, please,” he breathed, “Please breed me, love.”

He heard the man above him exhale shakily—he wondered if it was excitement or nerves. Maybe hearing Celestite call him love spurred him on more than he realized. Either way, he felt arms wrapped around his hips and hoisted him up, pulling him closer. 

The head of his cock pressed against his cunt, lingering there for a breath, before pushing in. Celestite groaned in relief. All week his body had craved the feeling. Toys were good, but this was someone pushing into him, stretching his walls, pressing flush against his body. Someone Celestite desired, someone who could cum in him and satisfy the urge to be bred. He wished he could hold him even closer, but his hands remained bound together. 

His lover must have felt the same because he was moaning above him, and finally gasped, “Fuck, you're perfect, baby. You feel so good.” 

Any desire for a slow build up was gone by that point. Once it was clear Celestite didn't need time to adjust to his size, he began fucking him at a steady rhythm. His thrusts were rough but because he desired to be; they were both suddenly consumed by how desperate they were. Celeste wanted every thought fucked from his mind. Their moans blended together, only broken by the occasional plea for more. 

Just when he felt his orgasm building, his lover suddenly shifted. He pulled half out and with surprising force grabbed Celestite’s legs, just under the knee, and pressed them back as much as his body would allow. Once he was in a proper mating press, his love resumed fucking him, and growled, “Ready for me to put a baby in you?”

Celestite’s cunt shuddered. He nodded frantically. “Please.

With a few more deep thrusts, he buried himself in Celeste's cunt and let out low, shaky moans as he came. 

Knowing he was finishing in him, flooding his cunt with cum, was enough to send Celestite over the edge a moment later. His back arched and he whined, clenching around his lover. 

They stayed like that until their voices died down. Once they had relaxed a little, left panting, his love slowly lowered his legs and leaned up to kiss him gently. He tried to pull back after just one, but Celestite chased his lips, and with a small laugh he gave him a few more.

“I love you. You're perfect,” he murmured.

“I love you too,” Celestite replied. 

In his mind he knew it was strange to profess his love for someone he'd never seen before, didn't even know the name of, but…the words felt natural on his tongue. He could say it a hundred more times and he meant it.

His love leaned back and unlocked the cuffs on his hands again. This time he set the handcuffs aside, gently rubbing Celeste's wrists to soothe the red marks left behind. “I'm going to run you a bath while you rest,” he said after a moment, “When the water stops, count to twenty, and then take your blindfold off alright? Will you be good and do that for me?”

There was a pang of sadness in his chest. He wished the other man would stay just a bit longer. But, he didn't argue. “Of course. Thank you.”

With one more kiss shared between them, he said, “I love you. I'll see you soon.”

With that, he left. Celestite let his eyes fall closed behind the blindfold and relaxed into his bed. 

The sound of water splashing in his bathroom filtered into the bedroom and he cherished it, as it meant his lover was still there.

[Gift] Lovely phantoms
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In Explicit ・ By eidolonartt
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Submitted By eidolonartt for Lust in the Air
Submitted: 4 months and 1 week agoLast Updated: 4 months and 1 week ago

seraphslullaby: Gift For
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