[Closed] [Auction] Thorny Groom

Posted 2 years and 3 weeks ago :: Last edited 2 years and 3 weeks ago by Luca
Auction: BUN-044[Closed]
Design: bearwithglasses ・ Art: bearwithglasses
Starting Bid: $80
Minimum Increment: $5
24 hours after last bid

This handsome groom was left at the altar, and is out looking for love once more.
This auction is reopened, so now is a chance to bid if you missed out before! Art by bearwithglasses

$80 SB, please respond to the appropriate comment below
Auctions will end 24 hours after the last bid!


Once the artist responds, you have 24 hours to pay. Make sure to read our TOS!



osteoh Avatar
Featured by Owner


2022-11-08 23:33:49 (Edited 2022-11-08 23:40:26)

eroge Avatar

Edit: oops will be replying to other bid

2022-11-08 23:34:18 (Edited 2022-11-08 23:34:55)

Yves Avatar
Yves Staff Member

Sorry, the chain has moved, please reply here to bid!

2022-11-08 23:35:08

yukicole02 Avatar


2022-11-08 23:34:15

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