New Character Ties

Posted 1 week and 1 day ago :: Last edited 6 days and 14 hours ago by Yves

Happy Matentines, Burrowgatory!

To celebrate this day of passion, we've prepared a free gift of Red Thread to help mark your buns' relationships with character ties.

Click the button below to claim it before the end of February 15th!

Not sure how character ties work? Check out their introductory news post!


New Character Ties

Based on your suggestions, we've added a selection of new labels for character ties.
In addition to the existing labels, character ties can now be labeled with the following:

Amorous: Significant Other, Betrothed, Consort, Obsession, Old Flame, On-and-Off, Situationship

Platonic: Loved One, Confidante, Online Friend, Bandmate, Fan, Muse, Savior, Apprentice

3.png Erotic: Rebound, Guilty Pleasure, Switch, Verse, Brat, Tamer, Sugar Daddy, Sugar Mommy, Sugar Baby

4.pngCivil: Superior, Right Hand, Associate, Accomplice, Conspirator, Bodyguard, Landlord, Doctor, Patron

5.png Antagonistic: Nemesis, Threat, Menace, Nuisance, Frenemy, Enemy with Benefits



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