MYO-4275: Rowan

Owned by Aesthetic-Static


Rowan | He/Him

"There is always so much work, I never get time off. Sigh."

Rowan is a secratary for Mortis, working day and night to make sure his boss isn't annoying him about how he can't do something and he has no time to himself. You'd think a man  would quit at that point if your boss was that much of an asshole but Rowan has never even thought of it.

Rowan has a case of Resting bitch face and an issue with being blunt with people but he means well and is not actively being mean on purpose he just struggles with some social cues.
He is currently looking for a partner though because its like everyone around him is getting one but him.

Alcohol Tolerance









Mortis - QPP/Boss

Mortis is Rowans boss as well as partner

Rowan is Mortis's comfort person, which is hard to believe considering their dynamic is like fire and ice. But behind that wall of fire that is Mortis, is a man who only Rowan knows in full.
He is always the first to tell when Mortis is upset or if Mortis needs time to himself, and whatever Rowan says, goes and Knox knows that.

Rowan is Mortis's number one, his platonic soulmate.

Knox - QPP/Coworker

Knox is a body guard that Mortis hired a bit ago however when he joined it was like he took to water around the two of them and is apart of the QPP.

Rowan was originally sceptical of Knox considering his origins but after some time it was clear that Knox is just a big old dog man who wants snuggles most days.
Some days Mortis needs Knox then Rowan and those days he softly tells Knox and takes for Mortis's work for the day.


Benny is an unlikely friend of Rowan but a friend none the less!!

The two get along with fashion with Rowan being an increadibly honest judge of clothes and knowing what looks good on Benny when Benny asks. Want honesty, Rowans got him.

He enjoys the other calico buns company!!!

King - Brother

King is Rowans older brother.

King was born a few seasons before Rowan, and they are tell they are related by the smell and just generally they know. Rowan is King's biggest supporter and hater and is seen to constantly tell him to get over his divorce.

He is happy his brother recently is with a lovely bun, and now has the new problem of hearing his older brother gush about his girlfriend.

Arsene - Friend/FWB

Rowan met Arsene by chance and enjoys the presense of the Pride bun.

It started off as just spending time with the pride bun in either silence or such. But now he can be found ranting about hsi god aweful days on his days off with him. He likes to rant and ramble, get his frustrations out, something about just being listened to helps him a lot.

Also helps when the others tits are just staring at him. The amount of times he has just walked up to him, put his hands on them, and just gone 'honk honk' is insae.

What's this..? This looks like it might have some saucy stuff in it. NSFW headcanons ahead, open if you dare!

Rowan is primarily a power bottom, or a brat who will challenge and want to be 'put in his place'

Most of his sexual experience comes from being used by other buns, most being his boss, and enjoying it. He commonly has a femme presenting parts as he, in his words, prefers two holes.

It should be warned that Rowan is commonly walking around always in arousal, due to the fact Mortis puts high standards on him to please him. One of those being, there is always something in Rowan. This being toy plug. These are something he has no issue with and in fact, enjoys.

He's always open to anything sexual, if you want to use him don't be afraid to ask.

Kinks include: BIG Size difference, Creampies + Plugs, Brat Taming, Public, Toy use, Edging (reciving)


- Rowan is 5'7 with a slim body type. However he is GNC and can be seen with a larger chest on his doll at times!

- The flowers that are in his hair can sprout at his own will, with ones behins his horns and in front of his ears being there at all times.

- When he's flustered, more flowers will grow in his hair!

- Rowans voice claim is this cover of rabbit hole!

Character Relationships
Feel free to dm me on Discord if you ever want a realtionship with my characters!!
I like ramblings! Headcannons such and such, I wouldn't mind an rp but i dont do it a lot now.
NSFW is always ok!!

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