Owned by soueatsbones


Lucien Duvalier

AGE: 25 yrs
GENDER: Male (He/Him)
HEIGHT: 05'09"
OCCUPATION: Head Designer (EnVogue)
VICE: Greed


2024 Breeding Partner: MYO-1441 

VoiceofTime has permission to breed this succubun.

About Me. . .

Bonjour, darlings! Welcome to my glamorous world of fashion, desire, and seduction. I am Lucien, the epitome of decadence and style, and I invite you to indulge in my captivating journey through life. As a renowned fashion designer, I breathe life into fabrics and create masterpieces that adorn the illustrious bodies of the elite. My designs are daring, audacious, and unapologetically sensual, reflecting my insatiable hunger for beauty and extravagance. Join me on this sartorial adventure as I push boundaries and redefine the very essence of haute couture.


✨Seeking a Muse as Captivating as the Moonlight Darlings, ✨❤️. gather around, for I, Lucien, the epitome of elegance and debauchery, have set my sights on a new conquest! I am on a quest to secure the most enchanting muse that the realm of Burrowgatory has ever seen. And who might this ethereal being be, you ask? None other than the illustrious Velvetteen! But do not be mistaken, my dear followers, for capturing the attention of such a divine creature will not come without its challenges. Velvetteen is a mistress of mystery, a siren who hold themselves with an air of unattainability. The chase, my loves, shall be nothing short of exhilarating! I shall employ every ounce of my charm, every dazzling smile, and every perfectly curated compliment to win them over.


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