MYO-3533: Eslie

Owned by DaeAngeli

It's never too late or early for Halloween! Eslie loves being spooky and playing pranks on her fellow buns. She doesn't mind if she looks a bit silly in the process.

Thoughts on Dae's other buns-
Primrose- My darling, my rose! It is so much fun to be around Primrose. We hang out with Shimmer when we have our imp play dates.
Shimmer- Sweet little bun. She isn't one for pranks and such, but I don't want to scare away one of Primrose's friends so I go easy on her.

Doll form Preferences- (To be drawn)
Sure, I usually swing as a feminine presenting bun but it is fun going masculine as well.
You are free to draw her with hooves or feet.

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  • Gift writing is allowed
  • Please ask before breeding