MYO-1088: Juni

Owned by baroque

juni | they/them | 5'2"

juni is timid bun that can easily warm up to people when theyre welcomed. they relate a lot of notable traits within the slothful vice, soft-spoken, droopy expressions and sleepy mannerisms such as nodding off to sleep if not being active in a activity to focus their attention at. theyre quite friendly and laid back, friends often see juni with a silly little tired smile on their face with a little add yawn from time to time when idling. when interested in topic at hand, juni can pay attention and stay up quite well, being able to have funny with friends whenever they hang out for activities. juni is really precious about what they spend their energy on, causing them to avoid confrontations because it always seems to drain them quickly. juni is a bun that is affectionate and easy to please, getting them to be puddy in your hand when sweet talking them right.

- juni has great dexterity in their hands and is considered an escpae artist. which is why theyre comfortable with clothing that locks onto their body
- really has a thing for oleander
- is a brat, only when its consentional
- not really religious, but does visit the church of sulfur every once in a while
- perfect bed head

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  • Please ask before breeding