

Tattered (Seasonal)

This trait allows a bun to appear "tattered", with unnatural holes resembling moth-eaten fabric in their ears, tail, or limbs. These holes may resemble very simple irregular shapes like hearts, but may not resemble complex or geometric shapes such as stars. These holes may not be used to alter the overall shape of the affected body parts. Similar to body parts affected by the Glassy trait, the "insides" of these holes are not visible, and the function of the tattered body part is not affected. Buns with holes in their arms or legs do not have to have these holes depicted on the limbs of their doll form. This trait may not be used to depict or suggest any amount of gore or body horror.

This trait may be used in combination with the Bat Wings, Gossamer Wings, or Feathered Wings traits to give a bun tattered wings.

This autumn seasonal trait may be obtained using the Frayviation item.

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