Item Categories
MYO Item
These items are an easily-tradeable form of MYOs that go into your inventory. Once opened, they turn into MYO slots that are registered on the MYO Masterlist, which can then be designed into MYO characters.
These cocktails from Hops' special menu are spiced up with a bit of demonic energy, which can cause strange mutations to occur in a succubun's unstable anatomy.
Seasonal Drinks
These drinks are only available at certain times of the year, and can be used to give succubuns seasonal traits.
These tasty treats have strange effects when imps manage to get into them, such as changing their colors or giving them unusual traits.
Seasonal Mochi
These treats are only available at certain times of the year. When imps get into them, they can change in particularly unusual and flashy ways.
These items are obtained through site gameplay.
These items are used in various events throughout the site.
These items, when opened, give an assortment of items and/or currency.
These items can be used to purchase a discounted or free item in shops.
Raffle Ticket
A ticket to enter a raffle being hosted on
NPC Trinkets
These items belong to the inventories of individual succubuns, reminding them of their adventures with NPCs.
These items belong to the inventories of individual succubuns, allowing them to show off their collections.
These items can be obtained from the underground underwear gacha.
These items can be crafted with ingredients, and sold for a profit.
These items unlock new recipes in your recipe book.
These items are used in limited plot events.
Bun Model
These items can be opened to award a model license.