[Closed] [Flatesale Raffle] Graveyard Friends

Posted 2 months and 1 week ago :: Last edited 2 months and 1 week ago by Yves
Flatsale Raffle: BUN-1114[Closed]
Design: Veil ・ Art: Veil
Price: $65

Mourning Doll

Flatsale Raffle: BUN-1115[Closed]
Design: Veil ・ Art: Veil
Price: $65

Coffin Nail

Flatsale Raffle: BUN-1116[Closed]
Design: Veil ・ Art: Veil
Price: $65

Poisoned Teacup

Flatsale Raffle: BUN-1117[Closed]
Design: Veil ・ Art: Veil
Price: $65


If you go to the graveyard at night, you might find some surprisingly cute buns lurking...
Veil has prepared another batch of creepy cute buns today!


$65 flatsale raffle

Please reply to the corresponding comment below to enter.
Users may only enter for one of the raffles. Entering in more than one voids your entries for all of them.


This sale will end at 8:00pm site time on 5/14/24.

Once you've received the invoice for payment, you have 24 hours to pay. All sales on Succubuns.com are bound by our TOS.



Yves Avatar
Yves Staff Member
Featured by Owner

Enter for bun-1114 (Mourning Doll) here!

2024-05-13 20:00:50

meroko Avatar

entering <3

2024-05-14 13:19:51

glittauri Avatar


2024-05-14 11:53:07

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Yves Avatar
Yves Staff Member
Featured by Owner

Enter for bun-1115 (Coffin Nail) here!

2024-05-13 20:00:39

zombug Avatar


2024-05-14 09:01:19

Aurilliax0 Avatar


2024-05-14 07:41:56

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Yves Avatar
Yves Staff Member
Featured by Owner

Enter for bun-1116 (Poisoned Teacup) here!

2024-05-13 20:00:24

13thAsylum Avatar
Featured by Owner


2024-05-14 19:51:06

Yves Avatar
Yves Staff Member

Congratulations, you won this raffle! Please reach out to veil (https://succubuns.com/inbox/new?recipient_id=507) with your paypal email and a link to your winning comment, and we'll get the bun added to your account!

2024-05-14 21:55:42

shiba Avatar


2024-05-14 19:11:51

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Yves Avatar
Yves Staff Member
Featured by Owner

Enter for bun-1117 (Reanimated) here!

2024-05-13 20:00:14

KonoMofu Avatar


2024-05-14 18:46:59

keiroko Avatar

entering <3

2024-05-14 18:43:06

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