Bunny Love || Domestic Distraction

In Prompts ・ By golden-boy
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Viceroy looked over to the other male, who had been staring at him for a decent amount of time. They had decided to relax a bit at home before going off to visit their friends, but it had been almost thirty minutes and Kallisto hadn't signaled that he was ready to leave. He had just been staring, hands on his face and smiling towards Viceroy. Viceroy couldn't complain though, he looked cute like this, his sweet face framed by his soft hands, cheeks squished slightly. When their eyes met, the shorter male let out a small giggle. That wonderful giggle, laced with nothing but sweetness and joy. "What are you so smiley about, my emperor?" Viceroy asked, hand coming down next to him and quickly finding a tail wrapped around it. "Oh, No reason. I just like looking at you, my king." 
He scoffed. "I can tell, you've been doing nothing but look at me since we sat down. If you wanted to look at me as a way to relax, I could have sit in front of you." Kallisto whined at that, his smile faltering momentarily. "Noooo, it's not the same! If I'm not next to you, I can't see the way your ears fall down your back, or the way your hair frames your face so perfectly, or the perfect way your body is covered by your outfit just so, barely enough to see a bit of your chest, or-" Viceroy laughed, interrupting the other before he went on too long of a tangent. "I get it! I won't move then, since you're so picky about it." That got him another little giggle. "I mean, I'm not saying that my king from any other angle is any less wonderful... but I think if I see you from the front too much, we might not make it to Midicus' place at all..." He winked at that, and though it took him a moment, Viceroy understood, moving a little closer to Kallisto and leaning towards him. "Oh, is that so? I'm sure they wouldn't mind us being a little late..." 
Kallisto blushed, and lightly tapped Viceroy on the shoulder. "Oh, stop it! I actually want to make it to movie night this time around. We already missed the last one because you decided that taking me to get ice cream was more important." Viceroy shrugged, smug smile across his face. "What? You had been saying you wanted ice cream all day, and the new shop you had been interested in had just opened up. What was I supposed to do, wait until the next day?" Kallisto made a noise that he wasn't sure was a scoff or a gasp. "Yes! It wasn't like it was going to disappear, and I can wait a bit for ice cream!" The two got closer, Viceroy's arms wrapping around the other and snuggling them together, his face getting close to the other's as he spoke. "Nonsense. I can't leave my emperor waiting for anything. What kind of king would I be if I let you wait for such a nice treat, hm?" Kallisto had to admit that he got flustered when Viceroy talked like this. The achromatic bun was always so greedy when it came to most other succubuns, but with Kallisto? He was the sweetest, most giving, most loving bun in the entirety of burrowgatory. Still, he knew he couldn't humor him too much, he did want to have some ability to do other things besides being pampered and doted upon. "Well, you'd be the kind of king that doesn't ruin our plans because of my silly little whims." 
"Silly!? Oh, no- I will not have you calling my emperor's whims silly! Come here, you!" Viceroy then moved even closer, knocking the other male over and landing on top of him. Kallisto let out a little noise as his back hit the pillows, trapped in Viceroy's embrace. He felt little kisses upon his face, causing him to giggle and place his hands on the other's face. "Viceroy!" He let out before once again going into a fit of giggles. Viceroy's kisses tickled, especially when he kissed his face so much so quickly. "My emperor is the most precious, most lovely thing. All of his whims are the most important, and I will not have anyone say otherwise! Not even you!" Another kiss, this time on the lips. "Your punishment for such a horrific crime? I'm going to kiss you on the mouth fifty more times before we leave!" Kallisto gasped, genuinely shocked at that number. "Viceroy! That's way too many, we'll be late! You can't just make out with me that long!"
"Well, should have thought about that before speaking poorly about your desires. Unless you... really don't want that." And there Viceroy was checking in on Kallisto, making sure his joke wasn't going too far. Even that made Kallisto blush even more, watching Viceroy's face turn concerned. How could someone who acts so harsh outside be so sweet? It only made him want to kiss him... maybe even kiss him fifty times over.
The smaller male sighed out with a smile, putting his arms around the other, resting upon his neck and staring up at his eyes. "Alright, I suppose that I will take my punishment for my crime. But we're going to Midicus' house directly afterwards!" Viceroy's face once again turned smug. "I knew that you couldn't resist your king." 
Their mouths met again, this time with Kallisto fully kissing back. Their tails wrapped around each other as they continued on, and after a short while, they came up for air. "That's one." Viceroy laughed, panting lightly. Kallisto could barely comprehend the words before he was being kissed again, making a soft noise against the other's lips. Kallisto quickly forgot about how long each kiss took, or how many they had gotten through, even as Viceroy kept count of every single one. After all, no matter how long the kisses took one thing was already certain.
They would not be making it to Midicus' house in time for the movie.
Bunny Love || Domestic Distraction
1 ・ 0
In Prompts ・ By golden-boy


Submitted By golden-boy for Bunny LoveView Favorites
Submitted: 1 year and 1 month agoLast Updated: 1 year and 1 month ago

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