C&B Fashion, Baby | High Quality Grease

In Prompts ・ By golden-boy
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"You're three minutes late." Velveteen spoke bluntly, taking the box from Cazper's hands and letting the envy bun collapse onto the ground, sweating and heaving as he laid there. Velveteen let him catch his breath, opening the box and looking at the items inside. All of them were perfectly up to their standards, not as if they doubted Peter for a moment. They placed the clothing aside for a moment, looking at the reference photos. It was then that something seemed to spark in their head. They looked to Cazper, and then to the photo, and then to Cazper again. Sure, splayed out on the ground and panting he looked a bit messy, but he still looked almost exactly like the reference picture. It was then that Velveteen recalled what exactly they had said to Peter, to use these concepts of 'greasers' and 'socials' and make a set of two costumes based off of them. They believed they would find a good model for a greaser eventually, and here was the perfect greaser on their floor.
Velveteen walked over, Stopping just before they stepped on Cazper's ear. "Get up." They stated simply, and Cazper did his best to comply, lifting himself off the ground and standing up again, hissing slightly as he put pressure on his knee. Velveteen looked him over and hummed, before turning around again, walking back to a table to grab something. "Strip." A simple command, and one that made Caz turn beet red. "Hah?" Was his only response, Velveteen only repeating their command. "I said, Strip. But keep your underwear on, I'll explain in a bit." Cazper was still a bit flustered, but he wasn't going to say no- shedding his clothes and making sure to fold them properly before putting them on a nearby chair. He felt exposed like this, obviously, but part of him thought that he shouldn't- fuck, why couldn't he be like those succubun that had lingerie as their everyday wear? A bit less shame might look good on him. 
Before he could think about that too much, the lust succubun returned, fabric measuring tape in hand. "Stay still." They ordered, wrapping the tape measure around his chest, squinting at the numbers as Cazper tried his best to stay still, only wobbling a little as Velveteen continued to take measurements, His chest, his neck, his arms- upper and lower- and his belly. When they got to his thighs, they made a small noise. "You're bleeding." Cazper looked down, yeup- the knee that he had knocked on the table at Peter's was in fact bleeding. He grumbled to himself, lifting up the knee as Velveteen left his personal bubble again. It wasn't that bad, a little cut- but it still hurt like a bitch and probably meant he'd have to toss his pants in the wash when he got home. He put his leg down and sighed. Jarlath probably would assume someone hurt him, and would question Caz for hours asking who he would have to send to the fucking grave. He closed his eyes to clear his mind, he didn't need to think about that now. There was a peaceful sort of silence for a moment, but only for a moment before he heard Velveteen's shoes again, and a small spritz from a bottle. Oh. Oh shit that hurt.
"AUGH, SON OF A FUCK- SHIT DAMNIT!" Caz yelled out, but was unable to move as Velveteen gripped his leg surprisingly hard to keep him still. "Don't be a baby. It was just disinfectant. I can't have you bleeding on Peter's hard work." Velveteen noted, roughly wrapping a bandage over the envy bun's knee. Cazper whimpered at the tightness of the bandage, but he at least knew that it wasn't tight enough to cut off bloodflow. "Uh, thank...you?" Caz let out, his voice still shattering as he tried to calm down from the burning that came from the disinfectant. Velveteen just nodded, and this time before leaving Cazper alone, threw a towel and a few bottles at him. Cazper barely caught all of it. "I'm on a tight schedule, I've got a show in thirty and I need a model. You have the right measurements, the right look, and I don't have time to find someone else. There's a small shower section in the blue room over there. Clean yourself up and fix your hair. I'll be back in ten minutes. Don't keep me waiting again." Cazper didn't have to be told twice, rushing to the blue room that had been pointed out and getting ready to power wash the sweat off of him. He just hoped that his bandage wouldn't get too wet in the process. 
Cazper combed back his hair a few more times, making sure that the hair grease was applied evenly and would stand up against a few more bumps and bruises. He was actually kind of glad to be in this situation- the stuff that they had here was much higher quality than what he had in his own bathroom back home. Sure, he could probably ask his roomies for some carats to buy the good stuff- but he wouldn't want to bother them with something like that- so it was nice to use some high quality materials for his look. He even attempted to use some makeup to hide some of his freckles, it worked, but then he thought about how his roommates would lose their minds if they saw him without his freckles, and washed it off. 
Velveteen returned fully dressed, they actually looked pretty casual, catching Caz a bit by surprise. "Good, you're clean." Velveteen noted, before tossing two golden pieces of jewelry onto the table. "Put those on, I'll help you into the clothes while you put those in your ears." Cazper picked one up, heart shaped gages. He wasn't a stranger to them, of course, he was just even more confused as to why they were here. Velveteen looked super causal and kind of... eh, Cazper couldn't find the words. Rich Schooling Adjacent? That seemed good enough. He didn't question Velveteen directly though, just getting up from the chair and working on getting his circular gages out so he could replace them with the heart-shaped ones. 
He was motioned to step into some black pants, which he did without issue. As the pants were hiked upwards, however, he let out a little squeak. "Fuck, this is... really tight. I thought you said I had the right measurements?" Velveteen huffed, pulling the pants up higher and causing Cazper to let out another pathetic little noise. "You are. They're supposed to be tight. You complain too much." Cazper sighed. "Well, I feel like I got room to complain a little, it's not like you're paying meEEE!!" His words ended with a squeal as Velveteen buttoned up the pants, making them fully trap his thighs and lower belly. "Fair enough. If I let you keep that hair grease and comb, will that be enough payment to keep you from being a brat?" Velveteen asked, going to pick up the jacket- it looked just as tight as the pants. 
Cazper considered it, finishing work on his gages and looking towards where he had been sitting. The container of hair grease had been pretty much full when it was tossed to him, and the comb would last at least a few months, much better than his dinky comb at home. "Uh, yeah actually. That sounds like a good deal." They nodded. "Good, now breathe in." Caz did so, and almost let out another noise at the sudden feeling of the jacket being shoved on him. He was right, it was just as tight as the pants. "Keep your breath held until I button it." Velveteen ordered, and Caz tried not to squeak at that. It was a struggle to not let out his breath, especially as he felt his arms get trapped in the leather prison of the jacket, but he managed. Once the jacket was secured, he let out his breath, making the jacket feel even more closely pressed to his chest. "Good. We're go in five, put on your glasses and meet me backstage." 
As Velveteen left, Cazper's eyes moved towards his glasses on the table. They were messy, of course they were messy- they had fogged up on the way over from how sweaty he had been. He then saw a small cleaning cloth nearby, decorated with little rabebe and smoke clouds. He might as well clean his glasses too, seeing as the rest of him was all cleaned up...
Besides, it's not like he had a cleaning cloth back home either.
"You've got two minutes to stop shaking." Velveteen spoke, pulling Cazper back so that he wasn't peeking from the curtain anymore. The lights were still on, meaning that he could see every single bun that was there- and he was terrified. "Don't tell me you have stage fright too." They sighed. "Well, not it's not like that... mostly. It's just... Do you really think that I'm a good model for this? I mean, I'm not exactly the most... aesthetically pleasing succubun around." He noted. Velveteen's eyes looked dark for a moment, angry- but not at Caz it seemed. "Did someone in your past tell you that you were not worthy of physical admiration due to your conventionally unattractive qualities?" Cazper paused, trying not to sweat at the question. "Uh, well. Not exactly like that but-" 
Velveteen gripped Cazper by his collar, pulling him closer. "I will not have any model under my employment believe themself to be unattractive in doll form, is this understood, Cazper?" He shivered a bit. "Yea, but I'm only employed to you for this one time... right?" Velveteen paused, eyes looking to the side as they thought momentarily. "Depends. If I continue to pay you in beauty supplies, would you be willing to continue being an emergency model for moments such as this?" Cazper looked like he was trying to think, but it was... very sudden. "Can I answer that after the show?" He asked, and Velveteen nodded. "Of course. Now, remember; as long as you are on that stage, you are better than anyone watching you, understand?" Cazper tilted his head lightly as the support. "That sounds kinda fuckin' mean-" Velveteen's eyes turned intense again. "Do you understand my words?" Caz shut up, nodding.
The lights up front shut off, replaced with the spotlights which faced the runway. "We're going. Play up the confidence, don't be afraid to touch my shoulder and lean on me. Light jabs are also acceptable, it'll help play off the greaser and social theming we're going for." With that, Velveteen opened the curtain for them and Cazper. Caz let out a quick breath before putting on the most smug smile he could manage.
The last thing he thought before going out there was simple. How the hell did he not realize the theme was greasers and socs until right now?
C&B Fashion, Baby | High Quality Grease
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In Prompts ・ By golden-boy

he takes his paycheck in hair products and leather clothing

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Submitted By golden-boy for Couture and BrochuresView Favorites
Submitted: 1 year and 1 month agoLast Updated: 1 year and 1 month ago

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