May I Have This Dance: Next Time

In Prompts ・ By golden-boy
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Yeah, this was Damian here, in the middle of a big, fancy ass gala party. You're probably wondering how he got here-- Oh, you weren't? Great! Because he wasn't entirely sure either. Sure, he liked parties, and Angora did throw some of the best parties in Burrowgatory, but he admittedly felt a little out of place at this one for some reason he couldn't quite put his claw on. Hmmm....

Welp! No point in dwelling on the why's and how's about that feeling. Instead he'd try to focus more on, y'know, having a good time. He got himself a fancy new 'fit and everything just for this occasion and he'd be damned if he let that go to waste. So then, let's see... 

He kind of wanted to join in on some of the dancing, but seeing as he had come here on his own he needed to find someone else that might be interested in dancing with him. Though, let's be honest here, who wouldn't be stoked at the chance to dance with him? Ahem...

...hey, hold on. Were those envy horns he was seeing? And, not just any kind of envy horns, but kind of familiar ones. Hmm, he thought he might have seen that bun at the Rabbit Hole once or twice? Never did talk to him since he always looked like he needed a...moment. And Hops never told him anything about him when he asked, so...

Damian might have just found his first target for the night.

With his mind made up, the pride bun confidently made his way over to the envy bun and, once he was close enough, he spoke. "Hey there. Think I've seen you once or twice over at the Rabbit Hole. Care for a dance?"



The envy bun in question seemed to almost collapse as soon as someone so much as talked to him, catching himself on a nearby table and flinching as a few glasses clinked around, almost falling over. He wasn't supposed to be here, that was clear from his reaction- but he tried to play it cool, he had to play it cool. Cazper took a moment to take a look at the succubun in front of him, just to get a real sense of the situation he was in. 

The other bun looked familiar, not super familiar, but he recognized that particular shade of purple from the blur of colors from some of his more... intense nights at the Rabbit Hole. Oh fuck, he had said that he recognized him from the Rabbit Hole, didn't he? Was that what this was about? Did he identify him as that sad drunk from the bar and was going to get him caught and kicked out? Or even worse, was this some kind of pity dance to make fun of him? He shook his head, he couldn't think like that, not now at least.

Cazper looked up at the pride bun, smiling as best he could with the amount of nerves he had. "Uh, Sure? I don't see why not!" He held out his hand nervously. He had seen others do that sort of motion to bring someone to the dance floor, so he assumed that was it worked as a standard.



Was it just him, or did this guy seem kind of...nervous? Had he been too forward? Too much, too fast? Should he not have brought up the Rabbit Hole? His initial playful expression turned serious as these thoughts went through his mind, but just as fast as it was there he went back to his usual, cocky self. This was supposed to be fun, and he was going to do his damndest to make sure both of them could enjoy themselves. After all, this was a party.

Without missing a beat he took the envy bun's hand in his and, just because, brought them up to his lips. The wisps of smoke probably tickling the other bun's fingers in the process. He followed the action up by glancing back at the envy bun and giving him a cheeky little grin. "The name's Damian, by the way." And, without even giving the other a chance to say or do anything else, he went and pulled him onto the dance floor with him with a bit of a twirl; placing his free hand on the envy bun's hips.



Cazper had been so focused on the changing expressions, that he barely had a chance to think before the other was taking his hand. Caz became dizzy very quickly, in a lot of different ways for a lot of different reasons. For one, this man had just kissed his hand and let warm smoke fall onto it, which was enough to make him red in the face. For two, he was twirled without a chance to speak-and oh for the love of sin, was his hand on his hips? Come on, Caz. Don't go fucking crazy just because a guy is touching your hip and being one of the coolest fuckers you've ever met.

He tried his best to let the words leave his mouth, though he was starting to feel his mind stutter a bit more. "Damian, that's a fuckin' cool ass name. Mine's Cazper. It's nice to meet you." The nerves were still there, but he at least didn't say something stupid on accident.



Damian's smug grin grew wider, now very much enjoying the reactions he was managing to pull out of the envy bun he now knew as Cazper. That, and the pride bun was also just a bit of a sucker for praise of any kind. Yeah, he really did have a cool ass name. Thanks for noticing~

"Pleasure's all mine, I'm sure~" He replied. "You have a pretty cool ass name yourself, Caz." His usual teasing playfulness remained as he spoke, but that didn't make his compliment any less genuine. He meant what he said and hopefully Caz would get that.

So...dancing, right? If Damian were being perfectly honest, he wasn't exactly used to this kind of dancing. He had spent some time studying the way everyone danced, though. He was completely, one hundred percent confident in his ability in leading this dance with Cazper. He was tempted to strike up a conversation of sorts while dancing with the envy bun, but... Maybe he'd give Caz a chance to catch his breath a little.

Caz felt himself blush more at the returned compliment, but again- he had to play it cool. He knew that someone would eventually find his name cool, he made some changes to it to make it cooler, after all. 

He just had to keep playing it cool and not fuck up this nice moment with a cool guy. Which he realized would be more difficult once they actually started the whole dancing thing- he had two left hooves when it came to that sort of thing- at least when it came to any dance that didn't have the words 'twist' or 'shuffle' in them. 

He decided that he didn't want to avoid the topic and make it worse. He was already imagining accidentally stepping on Damian's foot and getting beat to shit because of it, which wasn't exactly an ideal way to spend a gala. "Uh, Damian I don't... actually know how to do the whole... gala dancin' shit. If I like...accidentally miss-step or something don't like... think I'm doin' it on purpose or anything." A hand went to his face, scratching slightly.

Ahah, it would seem like they were both in a similar boat when it came to gala dancing. Good to know, honestly. "Is that so? Well, that makes both of us then." With that confession out in the open, the pride bun decided now would be a good time to start moving. 

To an expert dancer of the gala it was probably pretty obvious that Damian, for all of his bold confidence, wasn't entirely sure what he was doing and was pretty much just making it up as he went along. Still he wore that confidence, and dance steps, pretty well to pretty much anyone else.

As they danced Damian decided to take a moment to not just tease the envy bun, but actually comfort the poor bun. He could be wrong, but it looked like he could use it. "And...don't worry. 'm not gonna hurt you or beat you up or anything like that." A beat, then a casual shrug. "Unless you're into that." 

Damian never claimed to be good at properly comforting buns.

Caz stumbled with the dance, seemingly focusing more on keeping his hooves to himself moreso than actually... dancing. It didn't help that he didn't know what gala dancing really looked like- the examples where there, but he hadn't exactly been taking too much time to process others' movements. 

He looked up curiously when the other began talking again, and the first part of the statement made him smile, a genuine calm one... but that only lasted so long until the other added the second portion, which made his face go red again.  "I-I'm not but that's cool to know." He squeaked out. 

He did eventually calm down though, getting over that hurdle and starting to become more confident in his steps. "So uhm, Damian. You look like the kind of guy to kill someone for looking at you wrong- Not in like a bad way! You just look really scary- no- menacing- no that's the wrong word too, fuck." He sighed, shaking a bit. "My point is that you... don't look like the kind of guy that I'd pin to be nice and I'm glad you're being nice to me." He swore he could hear the buzzer sound in his head the more he spoke. "Shit, that probably sounds like an insult I promise it's not."

Noticing the envy bun indeed struggling with dancing at the beginning, Damian did what he could in his own inexperienced state to make things a little easier for him. So no sudden twirling and dipping. Not yet, anyway.

When Cazper broke the silence that had fallen over them, Damian gave him his full attention, but never stopped slowly leading. As much as he tried to keep a straight face, the more Caz spoke and fumbled over his words, the harder it became for Damian to resist the urge to just stop and laugh. He could only hold on so long before cracking. He quickly turned his head to the side; the hand that had been on Cazper's hip being brought to his face to cover his mouth as he let out a cough, crossed with a snort, crossed with a laugh. Several puffs of smoke floating freely from behind his covered mouth at the action.

He needed a couple more moments than he would have liked to recover, but dammit could you blame him? Yes, he was partially at fault for teasing the envy bun, but even when he wasn't doing anything particularly flirty Cazper seemed to fumble over his words in a way that Damian couldn't help but find incredibly endearing. Still, he didn't want the envy bun to think he was laughing at him, so... Damage control time?

"No offense taken." He started; free hand going right back on Cazper's hip as he continued to speak. "You wouldn't be the first bun to think or say that, and I doubt you'll be the last." He then shrugged. "What can I say? I'm just full of surprises, I guess. Then again, I could say the same thing about you and appearances." As those words left his mouth Damian suddenly pulled Caz a little closer to him; an amused glint in his eyes as he looked back at the envy bun. "Who knew such a cool looking bun could also be so cute, yeah?"

Of course Cazper thought he was laughing at him, why would he not be laughing at him? He was stumbling and messing everything up, and the pride bun even turned away to laugh! He didn't hide it very well, especially with the smoke coming from his mouth as he did so. Cazper felt himself get nervous again, at least until the other returned to his previous place, hand back on his hip. 

He looked up, kind of confused as the other continued talking. What was so strange about his appearance? Caz was sure that he was going to say something about how he was a nerd, or how he looked cool but talked like an idiot... but his mind was pulled back to the real world just as his physical body was pulled towards Damian's body. He stared into the other's eyes when he spoke, and when the actual words hit him, he swore he could feel his mind melting.

Cute. He had called him cute. He had to say something, anything, or else he'd end up sinking to the floor, and if he wasn't careful, probably end up as a pile of fur, flowers, and suit pieces. "T-Thank you, Damian! You're cute too- I mean handsome! Handsome is the term, not cute, very different connotations, very not the same word." He let out a noise that was something close to a whine. "I should stop talking now that sounds like a good idea."

And here Cazper went further proving Damian's point. Cute, handsome; he understood the weight others tended to put in those words, but to Damian a compliment was a compliment and he'd take either any day. Yes, please, do continue to stroke his ego.

While still just as amused as before, Damian did a better job at, y'know, not laughing at the poor envy bun again. That didn't mean he was going to stop being a horrible tease and a flirt, though. "Dunno about that. I like hearing you talk."

His initial intention had been to catch Cazper off guard with a twirl followed by a small dip, but considering how things had been going so far, the pride bun decided to have a little mercy and gave the envy bun a sort of warning of what he was intending to do. Whether or not Caz would catch on, though...

"If you want to continue the rest of this dance in silence though, that's fine by me."

Hearing that Damian liked hearing him talk, Caz felt himself blush again. He'd have to keep in touch after this, if for anything, to have someone he could talk to outside of his roommates. But the idea was quickly put to the back of his mind when he heard the other finish his thought. Cazper wasn't an expert at getting the hint, but something about Damian's words gave off an intent that he picked up on well enough. 

Caz giggled, nervous, but willing. "I mean, I can talk more if you like hearing me talk... but something tells me that you're going to do something that'll make it hard to talk... dancewise. But maybe that just means that you'll get a chance to talk to me a little more? I uh, like hearing you talk too, after all." Nice save, Caz.

A genuine, though still cocky, smile graced Damian's lips as Cazper spoke, giving him a moment to finish... And try not to gutter said words. That wasn't an invitation for anything but dancing and this was still a dance floor, Damian. Behave. So then what better way to distract himself than to do what he had set out to do; carefully, if a little clumsily, hold Cazper's hand up to twirl him around. Careful about not hitting the antlered horns.

Damian was barely done spinning Cazper around before following it up with a dip; making sure he had a good hold on the envy bun as he did so. He held the position for a bit before pulling him back up again, though in true Damian's teasing fashion, he held his face closer than was probably necessary to Cazper's face. Smoke more than likely tickling the envy bun's face as he breathed. "Good to know." He murmured softly, before pulling back to the distance they'd been dancing at before. 

"That's a promise, then. Next time I see you drinks are on me." An invite. A promise. Next time.

May I Have This Dance: Next Time
1 ・ 0
In Prompts ・ By golden-boy

What do you do when you spot a familar face at the gala? Well, you ask them to a dance, of course? And tease them. Relentlessely. Oh right we're dancing--

Thank you for collabing with me, GB! o/

Submitted By ChibiCrashey for May I Have This Dance? 2023View Favorites
Submitted: 1 year and 2 months agoLast Updated: 1 year and 2 months ago

golden-boy: Writing
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