May I have this dance?

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Chapter 1 - Usanoo

 The day of the Fairy Masquerade had arrived, an event of grand sophistication he wouldn’t usually attend, but his friend and occasional lover, Izabunny, had set him up on a blind date with a refined lady named Akari. Though he wasn't interested in romance, he enjoyed watching his dates appreciate the experiences he could provide, spoiling them in any way.


The hours leading up to the ball were spent in the usual fashion. Starting with rigorous training at dawn, honing his skills with precision. After training, he took a long bath, allowing the hot water to relax his muscles and clear his mind. By midday, Usanoo reviewed the report typed by his assistant of his investments. His wealth had grown substantially through mercenary works, yet he found little personal satisfaction in it. The ball, and his evening with Akari, were diversions from the monotony of his wealth and solitude.

As the evening approached, Usanoo stood before the mirror, permiting his mind to wander, and indulging his curiosity. He was curious about Akari, intrigued by Izanami's assurance of her refined tastes and manners. Usanoo was a man of few words and even fewer public displays of affection, but he enjoyed the dance of subtle flirtation and quiet companionship.


His outfit for the evening was a masterpiece of elegance.  He wore a deep midnight blue kimono made of the finest silk, subtly shimmering under the light. Intricate silver embroidery depicted butterflies, fitting to the masquerade theme and his family’s crest.  His obi, a rich silver sash, complemented the embroidery. Over the kimono, he wore a haori jacket of a darker blue, with a single emblem of his family crest embroidered on the back in silver thread. Traditional geta sandals with a lacquered wooden base completed his ensemble.


Usanoo's mask was a work of art, crafted from silver and adorned with delicate filigree and tiny jewels that resembled the night sky. Sadly, he had to leave his katana behind, but he still had a hidden dagger under his clothes, as he was always ready, even at a social event, due to the nature of his job.


As night fell, Usanoo left his home and stepped into the sleek black sports car that would take him to the venue. The journey was smooth, the city lights reflecting off the polished exterior of the vehicle. Arriving at the ball, Usanoo stepped out of his car with confidence, his presence commanding attention and respect despite his quiet demeanor. He didn’t bat an eye at the venue’s opulent decor, stepping into the ballroom, looking for his soon to be date for the night.


Chapter 2 - Akari

It was finally the day of the Fairy Masquerade and Akari's body hummed with anticipation. It wasn't the kind of anticipation that made one's heart race, no, it was a slow, simmering anticipation, like a pot of tea waiting to be poured. Akari, a succubun of exquisite elegance, was preparing for her blind date that her good friend and occasional lovely hook up Izabunny set her with. With how similar they were, Akari trusted Iza's taste wholeheartedly.


She stood before the vanity, her reflection a vision of ethereal beauty. Her skin, a beautiful sunkissed color, was dusted by the faintest blush, a touch of rouge on her lips matching the blazing Emerald of her silk gown. Her raven hair, usually cascading in a waterfall of curls, was carefully coiffed into a delicate updo, adorned with a single, shimmering topaz shaped into a flower that caught the candlelight to hold it together.


The mask she chose was a masterpiece of craftsmanship, a delicate lattice of gold that hinted at the mischief behind her jade colored eyes. It was a mask that promised secrets, a mask that whispered of forbidden desires.


Akari, however, wasn't interested in secrets or forbidden desires. She was simply craving a nice, flirtatious evening. She'd been on a string of disastrous dates, each one ending in a predictable, unsatisfying way. This time, she was determined to find someone who could appreciate her for who she was, someone who wouldn't be frightened by her nature.


She picked up a small silver vial, its contents shimmering like liquid starlight. This was her secret weapon - a charming perfume in which the scent would amplify her natural charm. A little touch of magic, just to ensure a smooth, entertaining evening.


'Tonight,' she whispered, her voice a soft, melodic purr, 'Tonight, I shall have some fun.'


With a final glance in the mirror, Akari turned and with a graceful, almost silent step, stepped out into the night, making her way to the ball. 


After awhile, Akari finally made her way to the ball and strutted in while exuding confidence. From the top of the stairs, she scanned the crowd for the date that was set up for her. 


'Now just where could he be?' Akari murmured this to herself as her eyes landed on a particular succubun that seemed to stand out and was just her type. 'If my intuition is must be him. Only one way to find out though.' 


With that, she made her way to the succubun doning a sapphire kimono that had intricate butterflies embroidered on it that was fitting for the theme of the ball. His mask a stunning silver color that in itself was a work of art.

Chapter 3 - Usanoo

Usanoo stood at the edge of the ballroom, observing the lively dancing with a calm detachment. The room was alive with colors and motion, masks and gowns blending into a vibrant tapestry. Despite the elegance around him, he felt disconnected. His thoughts were on Akari, who had intrigued him from Izabunny’s description.


He sensed her arrival before he saw her, noticing the way the crowd reacted with murmurs and admiring glances. Akari descended the grand staircase gracefully, her emerald silk gown shimmering with every step. When their eyes met, he instantly knew it was her, even if they had never met, and Usanoo felt a surprising flutter of anticipation.


She approached him with effortless grace, moving in perfect sync with the music, seeming to also have only recognized him with a glance. “Good evening,” she said softly, her voice melodic. “You must be Usanoo.”


He nodded, bowing slightly. “And you must be Akari. It’s a pleasure to finally meet you.”


She smiled and stepped closer. “Shall we dance?” she asked, extending her hand.


Usanoo hesitated. “I’m not much of a dancer,” he admitted. He tended to avoid any conspicuous acts, preferring the silence of a garden or a discreet balcony.


Akari pouted playfully, her eyes sparkling with a teasing challenge. “You can learn a lot about someone from the way they dance,” she cood.


He resisted but found her persistence charming. It took a bit more of cajoling, and finally she convinced him; sighing, he took her hand. “Alright, but don’t expect too much.”


She led him to the center of the ballroom, and as the music played, they began to move. Usanoo felt stiff and self-conscious at first, but Akari’s confidence and grace soon put him at ease. She moved with natural elegance, her gown catching the light with each twirl. Usanoo, though not as skilled, managed to keep up with her pace.


“You’re doing great,” she whispered warmly. “See? This isn’t so bad, is it?”


He chuckled softly, his initial reluctance melting away. “I guess not.”


They continued to dance, and the world around them faded into the background. Usanoo was captivated by Akari’s joy and energy. She was like a brilliant star, and he was happy to be in her orbit.


As the music ended, Akari looked up at him with a radiant smile. “That was wonderful,” she said. “Thank you for indulging me.”


“The pleasure was mine,” Usanoo replied sincerely.


She led him off the dance floor, her hand resting lightly on his arm. “How about we get some drinks?” she suggested. “I’d love to continue our conversation.”


Usanoo nodded, feeling an unusual sense of contentment. “That sounds like a good idea.”


Chapter 4 - Akari

 Having led him to the bar, they spent the next hour sipping on potent cocktails, each sip a fiery dance on their tongues. Akari, ever the dominant one, led the conversation, teasing him playfully, her words laced with double innuendos. Usanoo, however, held his own. He met her every challenge with a quiet wit that intrigued her. He was not afraid to flirt back, his words as sharp and playful as hers.


'You know,' Akari said, leaning closer, her voice barely a breath, 'you're not what I expected.'


'And what did you expect?' Usanoo asked, his gaze unwavering.


'Someone… less… intriguing,' Akari admitted, her cheeks flushing slightly. 'Someone who wouldn't dare to play back.'


Usanoo chuckled, a low, rumbling sound that sent shivers down her spine. 'I like to play,' he said softly, his fingers brushing against hers on the table. 'Especially with someone as captivating as you.'


'You're enjoying this, aren't you?' Akari purred, her voice a silken whisper that slithered into his ear.


Usanoo chuckled, his eyes meeting hers over the rim of his glass. 'More than I thought I would. This masquerade is... oddly fascinating.'


'Don't you find it thrilling, the anonymity, the possibility of anything?' Akari leaned closer, her breath warm against his cheek.


He felt a prickle of excitement, a familiar thrill that always accompanied a flirtatious dance with a woman like Akari. 'Thrilling,' he agreed, his voice husky. 'But I'm not sure I'd want to be anonymous with anyone else.' 

Akari's smile was a dangerous curve, her eyes sparkling with amusement. 'Oh, Usanoo, you're such a charmer.' She raised her glass. 'To the thrill of the unknown.'


He clinked his glass against hers, a spark of anticipation crackling between them. The night was young, and they were just beginning their game.


As the hours melted away, the champagne flowed freely. Akari, with a sly smile, guided their conversation towards whispered secrets and shared fantasies. Usanoo, a seasoned player of the flirting game, countered with witty retorts and playful teasing. The air between them crackled with a potent mix of desire and amusement.


As the masquerade ball reached its end, Akari, her mask discarded, found herself staring into Usanoo's eyes, his gaze holding hers captive. In that moment, the world outside faded away, leaving only the intoxicating sensation of their connection.


Akari tilted her head, her gaze lingering on his lips. 'I'm glad I came and found out you were indeed my date because you turned out to be the most intriguing man in the room, although knowing you wouldn't mind a'


Usanoo chuckled, a deep, rumbling sound that sent a shiver down Akari's spine. 'I enjoy a good time, that's for sure. But I'm curious, what kind of fun are you thinking of?'


Akari's smile widened, a mischievous glint in her eyes. 'Why don't you take me home and find out...let's see if you truly can keep up with me.' 

May I have this dance?
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In Prompts ・ By Pokibloodfallen, Thelittlerabit
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Submitted By Pokibloodfallen for May I Have This Dance?
Submitted: 1 month and 1 week agoLast Updated: 1 month and 6 days ago

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