Rain Check!

In Prompts ・ By apothecarum
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"Marmaaaaaaaar," a voice whined. Above, the unassuming overcast morphed into something dark and ominous, ready to color the sky with its downpour. A neapolitan Sloth bun tried, in vain, dragging their pearlescant Gluttony friend under a storefront awning large enough to shield them from the rain that began to trickle above. While the forecast called for rain today, Nia thought it would have at least waited until after they were done shopping to happen! Marmalade, the Gluttony bun, held onto their gloomy snell, Monsieur Morne, as they trailed after their companion with a dreamy, almost dazed smile. This only seemed to further exasperate Nia who responded with a shake of their head.

"You need to be faster than that, silly! What if we, like, got soaked? You know that my fur takes forever to, like, dry." Nia huffed and smoothed out what little of their fur was misted by raindrops. Their own imp, Gracia, seemed to hover by wholly unaffected by the rain or their bun companion's distressed. Instead, it hovered closer to Marmalade and Monsieur Morne, more concerned by their fellow imp's (perpetual) distress.

The snowy white bun giggled and held Monsieur Morne up to Sprinkles, cooing at them both. "Then we could have spent more time together, Nia. Besides, you know I like bringing Monsieur Morne out when it's raining. Isn't it cute how they match the weather?" The Gluttony bun mused as though this was just like any other day. To them, it was. Just then, a crack of lightning shot through the sky followed by the distant rumble of thunder. Buns and dolls around them scurried away to avoid the rain, all sharing the same thought as Nia. While the Sloth bun enjoyed some rain here and there, they certainly found the idea of being sopping wet unappealing. They had better things to do, after all, and while they treasured Marmalade's companionship, they wouldn't be inconvenienced by nature.

"Yes, yes, we all know how much you adore that gloomy snell of yours." The murmur that escaped them was scolding but affectionate beneath it. Their eyes blearily scanned the dark, stormy clouds above and sniffed, scooting closer towards the storefront windows, better protected by the awning over them. They turned left and right, unable to focus on the figures passing by them. "While we could just go inside to wait, maybe we should get some backup, hm? Could you like, call Rumi? Maybe Atlas will come pick us up? Or like, we could call Daphne--her lounge is nearby right?"

Another clap of thunder rumbled in the distance as Marmalade hummed, pulling out a bun-sized phone from their clutch bag. "Rumi is the closest...though, he might not answer because he has a tournament to train for. He might be practicing with his teammates." The Gluttony bun reminded softly, swiping through to find Rumi's number to give him a call. They put their Sloth friend on loud speaker and wait as the phone rings and rings. Eventually, the line patches through and the sound of muffled movement. There's a voice, just a bit away, before it seems to get clearer and closer to the receiver.

"Hey," The voice yawned, as if they had been stifling it moments before answering. "What's up Marmar?" Rumi answered in a familiar flat tone that the Gluttony bun liked. "Sorta busy training right now."

Marmalade looked at Nia in almost an 'I told you so' kind of smile to which the other rolled their eyes at in response. "I'm still out with Nia. Do you think you could meet us with an umbrella? They don't want to get wet from the rain." They explained, making it seem as though they weren't as concerned about the downpour as their mutual friend. There was a brief silence with only the sound of rapid keyboard and mouse clicks occasionally catching through. They both heard their gamer friend try to swear under their breath before a soft, defeated sigh escapes them. Just as they thought Rumi was lost to their game, they spoke, slightly startling the two.

"I wish I could. My team- we just took a break not too long ago and our practice is just gettin' good. I don't think anyone'll wanna stop long enough unless it's a real emergency." He rambled, the apology in his tone soft and sincere. "But, I'll leave my apartment door unlocked if you two can manage to swing on by. I'll even order us food on BunBash to weather the storm. How's paneer tikka masala sou--" And before he could get the rest of his words across, Nia snatched the phone from Marmar's hooves and spoke for them.

"It's, like, a deal! Only if you add gulab jamun! We'll find our way to your apartment so like, order soon!" Nia blurted out, causing Marmalade to giggle with Monsieur Morne looking between the two buns in confusion. "Okay, love you, byeeeeee!" Only getting part of Rumi's 'bye' before ending the call.

It was just then, another flash of lightning and boom of thunder rocked the skies, but this time the thunder was closer, a sudden heavy drum that reverberated across the duo's chest. Nia squeaked and cowered closer to Marmalade who still seemed entirely unaffected by the onslaught of rain above them. Any buns that remained out now were under the cover of umbrellas or raincoats, aptly prepared for the weather. After a few moments, Nia peeked from Marmalade to the block where they knew Rumi's apartment complex to be. It would just be a simple run from here right? If Marmalade laze at their own pace, then surely they would make it to Rumi's with minimal rain damage.


Before Nia could sulk about the potential pneumonia they would catch, heels clacked on the pavement before them and a dainty figure and their imp loomed over them. Nia and Sprinkles were the first to notice them, followed by Marmalade and Monsieur Morne. Before them, a doll in an all too short nurse's dress, black and white stripped thigh highs, and a smiling Ribbow on their shoulder appeared as though they were like the Cherubuns who newly appeared. A black eyepatch covered their left eye and in the center of their chest was a crystalline heart, vibrantly crimson as their hair. They held up a frilly, oversized red umbrella with plastic-crystal hearts dangling from each spoke. They squatted before the two and grinned from ear to ear.

"Marmalade! Nia. Oh goodness, whatever are the two of you doing out in this heavy rain without an umbrella?" Cecil inquired with a cheery tone. Nia started with their shopping trip and how the rain came so suddenly and how they had to take shelter under this awning. They caught Cecil up to present, of their predicament of going over to Rumi's house for some well deserved tikka masala and desserts before the crimson Lust bun nodded, crystal clear in understanding. "Mmhm, that certainly does sound like a lot of trouble...I'll just take you two there, no problem! Since you both are in your bun forms, I'll just carry either of you in my arms!" They offered and before they could both respond, scooped them up in either arm as though they were small toys. Marmalade nuzzled into Cecil's hold, allowing Monsieur Morne to rest atop their snowy head while Gracia floated up, hovering around Nia with their same playful serenity. Nia shifted as best they could in Cecil's arm as they began the short journey to Rumi's apartment, their heavy shoes tapping against the soaked pavement.

When they arrived, safe and warm, Cecil lowered the pair down into the apartment lobby before withdrawing their umbrella and sticking it into the rack with others. The crimson doll leaned down to kiss both on the top of their heads before taking hold of their umbrella and heading out the entrance. "You two be good now! Give Rumi my love!" And just like that, they were back out onto the rainy streets of Burrowgatory, no doubt heading back home to rest. Nia and Marmalade waved goodbye before hitching a ride up the elevator that led to Rumi's floor, excited to finally get a proper rest against the chilly, wet weather. Outside Rumi's apartment door was their tomodigi, Lopmon, was hung by its keychain, swinging back and forth while playing an 8bit tune it mimicked from one of Rumi's more retro games. When it noticed the two familiar buns, its song shifted to a little greeting of a jingle before pushing itself against the door to allow them in. Nia then took the imp off the door handle and entered inside.

"Ruuuuuuuuumi, we're heeeeeeeeeere!" Nia exclaimed giddily, dropping their bags near the door and flopping onto the nearest sofa with a groan of relief. Marmalade picked up the Sloth bun's bags and placed all their goodies off to the side so no one would trip. They sat beside Nia and cuddled up to them, waiting for their gaming companion to appear. The pair heard a distant: "Be out later! Food should be here in about fifteen!". By the time the other did come out to grab the food from the BunBasher, the two were lightly snoozing in each other's company, tuckered out from the rainy excursion they had endured.

Rain Check!
2 ・ 0
In Prompts ・ By apothecarum

I love thunderstorms but not when I'm outside! Indoor only please! 

Submitted By apothecarum for Rain CheckView Favorites
Submitted: 2 months and 3 weeks agoLast Updated: 2 months and 3 weeks ago

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