Protective Charm

In Prompts ・ By soueatsbones
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Lumen's childhood memories were like a tapestry woven with vibrant colors and mischievous adventures, forming a kaleidoscope of laughter and warmth. Among these moments, some shone with an intensity that could never be dimmed. These memories were Lumen's treasures, the gems of their youth that they revisited time and time again, with each recollection as vivid as the day it was formed.

One of Lumen’s cherished memories was of the endless days spent playing with their collection of plush toys. These toys were not just inanimate objects; they were companions, confidants, and comfort rolled into one soft, huggable package. Lumen's plushies were an extension of their world, each with its own unique personality and name. They carried them everywhere, a menagerie of cotton-stuffed friends that never questioned, never judged, and only ever offered silent support and endless cuddles.

One sunny day, Lumen found themselves in the middle of an escapade, darting through the colorful gardens that surrounded their home. With every step, their favorite plush toy - a misshapen bunny with button eyes and patched-up fur - bounced along beside them, a steadfast partner in their romps. This bunny wasn't the prettiest or the fluffiest, but to Lumen, it was perfect.

As they raced around the garden, Lumen came upon a delicate flower bed that Azazel, their demonic caretaker, had been nurturing with the care of a devoted gardener. In a moment of reckless abandon, Lumen dove into the flowers, their joyous laughter mingling with the sound of scattering petals. Azazel, who had been observing from a distance, approached Lumen with a look that was part exasperation, part amusement.

"Little one, what have you done?" Azazel asked, though their tone held no real ire. Lumen looked up, their eyes wide and innocent, clutching their plush bunny like a shield. Without words, they offered the toy as a silent apology. Azazel chuckled, the sound rich and warm, and gave the bunny a gentle pat before reaching into their pocket.

"You're lucky I have a soft spot for you," they teased, producing a small treat from the depths of their pocket and handing it to Lumen. "Now, let's clean up this mess and get you ready for bed. I have something special for you tonight."

Cleaned and changed into cozy pajamas, Lumen climbed into bed under Azazel's watchful gaze. The small succubun made a nest of blankets and pillows, with the plush bunny nestled beside them. Azazel then brought out a small box, its presence alone sending a ripple of excitement through Lumen.

"I've been working on this for some time," Azazel explained, opening the box to reveal a delicate charm bracelet. "This is more than just a trinket. It's imbued with protection. Should you ever find yourself lost or in danger, this charm will protect and guide me back to you."

Lumen's eyes widened with wonder as they beheld the charm bracelet. Azazel fastened the bracelet securely around Lumen's wrist, the warmth of the charm seeming to seep into their very being. The bun gazed at the bracelet with awe, their hearts brimming with gratitude and love for their caring caretaker.

"Do you like it?" Azazel asked, their voice gentle as a lullaby. Lumen nodded vigorously, a wide smile spreading across their face as they clutched the charm bracelet close to their chest. The gift was more than just a piece of jewelry; it was a symbol of Azazel's unwavering protection and affection.

Azazel patted Lumen on the head, earning a happy squeak from the little bun. "Get some rest now, little one," they murmured softly. "I'll be here when you wake up." With a final goodnight, Azazel left the room, leaving Lumen to drift off to sleep with their cherished plush bunny.

Lumen couldn’t sleep, just staring in awe of the bracelet and having a one-sided talk to their plushie about it. Silly gibberish from Lumen to the silence of the plushie, they talked for an hour before sleepiness took over.

As Lumen basked in the warmth of this heartwarming memory, a delightful scent wafted through the air, stirring them from their reverie. The familiar aroma of Atlas' pastries beckoned, filling Lumen's senses with the promise of sweet delights. The memories could wait; for now, the call of sweets was irresistible.

Following their noses, Lumen made their way to the kitchen, where Atlas was hard at work creating delectable treats. The sight of the table laden with an array of baked goods and sweet confections made Lumen's mouth water with anticipation. Atlas turned to them with a teasing smile, knowing full well the allure of their culinary creations.

"You're not thinking of sneaking a taste, are you?" Atlas teased, their eyes twinkling mischievously. Lumen grinned, their excitement palpable as they bounced on their heels.

"Of course not," Lumen replied playfully. "I just wanted to see."

Protective Charm
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In Prompts ・ By soueatsbones
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Submitted By soueatsbones for Childhood Memories
Submitted: 3 months and 4 weeks agoLast Updated: 3 months and 4 weeks ago

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[Protective Charm by soueatsbones (Literature)](
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