‘Blind’ Movie Date

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Cookie was frazzled, as he hadn't expected Jax to say yes to his gift AND the date. The gift he expected as it was purposefully Jax's favorite but a DATE? Honestly… Cookie had believed his interest was one sided.




He really hoped he wasn't just being led along out of pity. But there was no time for such thoughts!! Cookie patted his face, dragging himself from his head while his remil Lady Creami McPuff chose his eyeliner. She had a knack for it somehow. It took an hour or two for Cookie to feel satisfied, make up done, hair up and silky as it should be. A nice dress to compliment the constant blue ribbon that was always on Cookie's person. Yes… This would work. Right?


As Cookie tucked his imp in her basket, blowing a kiss as he moved to open the door before he changed his whole outfit again, he didn't expect anyone to meet him there.

Jax ruffles his rat nest of shaggy hair, he lets out a yawn letting sweet honey drip down his chin. The sloth bun scratches his stomach idly, spacing out after a good nap until it hits him. Oh yeah, a date! He yawns once more and goes to clean up. Jax washes up the best he can, brushing his teeth and fixing up his hair with his fingers. It wasn't like he was trying to impress his new friend -? Boss?

Wait.. what was he?

The bun shrugs and throws on something casual. A compress tank top, a black leather jacket and a pair of jeans. His outfit was pretty simple, a bit more casual than usual, but then again, Jax wasn't sure how to act when going on a date.

He put his hair in a low ponytail, still messy but neat at the same time. A grin forms on his lips as he grabs his keys and phone, heading out the door.

Cookie stood at the designated meeting spot, a little park close to The Opulent that the bun had a soft spot for. He chose to ignore a couple of buns going into the tubes, Cookie knows what's going on in their heads but didn't wanna be actively aware thanks. 


Cookie checks his phone again, tucking a strand of hair back as an anxious tick. Checking his make up discreetly as if he was taking a selfie. Tail flicking. Cookie was early, yes, but really what was a bun to do when a crush was taking them out? 


Cookie didn't call to check in, as 1) He never talks and 2) Jax could be driving like… A motorcycle or dingy truck that's trustworthy but breaks easy. Cookie didn't want to be the reason his date died on the road thank you. But… Cookie was worried though… Maybe leaving Lady Creami in his suite was a bad idea after all…

Jax's dingy truck came down the road and pulled into the park's lot. The bun was a few minutes late, he felt guilty for making his boss wait, but he did make up for it with a small apology gift. He got out of his truck, grabbing the little gift bag from the seat and headed over to where he saw Cookie.

“ Yo, Cookie, sorry I'm a little late. Got ya somethin' to make up for it. 'S not much but I hope ya like it anyways~."  He smiles and rest the bag on the shorter bun’s head

Cookie lights up seeing Jax, tail wagging like an excited puppy. Then seeing the truck Cookie seems to be amused, having been correct in a way only made the greed bun happy to know something.

At the sudden gift on his head he blinks, gingerly taking the small bag in one hand, the other fixing his hair.

'You didn't have to! I didn't think to bring anything myself…’ Cookie signs, then looks at the bag. 

‘... What's in it…’ more of a statement than anything as the dainty bun moves to open the bag. Curiosity drowning out almost everything else.

Jax's grin grows wide as he sees his boss' eyes light up at the gift. He was glad that he wasn't rejected so far, the bun was actually enjoying this.

Jax chuckles and signs back ‘It's a gift, boss, ya don't ask what's inside. It ruins the surprise, y'know?’

The bun leans against the tree and watches, waiting for Cookie to take a peek. There was something pink inside the bag, something round and furry.

'I've never been good at surprises…’ Cookie admits, cheeks pink from embarrassment. The bun tilts his head at the furry item, and pokes it. If it moves he'll scream.

Cookie Squints at the smiling bun, pouting in a way that isn't really annoyed but just for show.

'I hope you didn't stuff an imp in a bag.’ With that, Cookie finally pulls out the gift.

'An imp? I'm not that crazy, I would never do that to ya.' Jax watches his boss pull the item from the bag, hoping he liked the gift.

It was a small plush, a pink ball of fur with a little tail, big black eyes, and a tiny mouth.

'I saw it when I was out and about and thought it would suit ya.' He chuckles and pats Cookie's head, 'Ya can't be afraid of cute stuff all the time.'

It was a weird little plush, a strange sort of creature with an oddly familiar form. 

Cookie smiles ear to ear, eyes sparkling and tail wagging. He more than likes he adores!! The bun immediately attaches it to his bag, standing to spin, watching it away from his bag.

At the pet Cookie pauses, leaning into the touch with a small smile. Eyes still delighted. At the comment he huffs, like a brat. 'I'm not scared ALL the time… Just… A lot of it.’ He caves. 

Even so, there is still mirth. Looking at the gift like it's a treasure before walking up to Jax. ‘Well, shall we begin our trip? A walk around the park… Okay actually maybe we should go elsewhere. I saw a couple come in and not out and I would rather not know what they're doing.’ Cookie looks a little annoyed, if only because he wanted this to be fun for Jax danggit!!

'A'ight, a'ight. Whatever ya say, boss, we'll go somewhere else. Jax laughs, watching the bun's expression. He couldn't help but think it was the cutest thing, the way Cookie scrunched up his nose and squinted his eyes.

'We can go anywhere ya want, I ain't picky.' He chuckles and ruffles the bun's hair, messing up the bun's hair.

Jax wouldn’t pay much mind to the couple having some in the season ‘fun’. Not his business but, if Cookie wanted to avoid it, the bun would go along.

Cookie nodded, then seemed to think. 'We coouuld…’ He paused. 'Walk to the movies down the street? There was a movie I heard about that I think you may like.’ Cookie nodded to himself

'Might be packed but nothing wrong with a movie date right? Or we could go to the mall, it has an arcade attached…’ oh the choices, so many choices… 

‘If we wanted to talk, the mall would be best. But movies are nice to sit together at..’ Cookie looks at Jax, hoping for some input.

'Sounds like a good idea, boss, let's go. He offers a hand out to Cookie and grins.

'We can decide once we get there, yeah?' The bun chuckles, watching the smaller bun think so hard. Mostly because he had no clue where they were gonna go, he didn't mind either option.

Was there a movie that Jax wanted to see? A bit of honey color drool started to drip down his cheek while a small little thought bubble took over his brain for a moment.

Cookie looks at the offered hand, much different then when they link arms. A gloved hand takes Jax's own and the smaller of the two beams. 

'Mm… The movies is closer… We can do that first!’ Cookie nods, then leans against Jax's arm. 'I thiiink… the movie was The 13th Night? I know you mentioned a series and teasing a friend over it…’

Cookie was not aware this is a horror movie.

'Oh, yeah, that sounds good. Sounds like something ya totally would like.' Jax teases and walks towards the cinema, not really noticing the smaller bun leaning against him.

He didn't think Cookie was the clingy type, but Jax didn't mind, it was nice being able to be close like this.

'Yeah, that's the one. Marce wanted to prove to me that she can handle a scary movie. I wanted to test that theory and started playing with her pussy while she watched it. It didn't end well for her but she got me back by riding my cock, so it was worth it. I won the bet though.' Jax explains the story without a care in the world.

'Something I would like, hm?’ The suspicious eyebrow raise is telling. Cookie sees this as a challenge and does not trust this judgment. The explanation however has Cookie turning beet red. 'Jax!!’ He squeaks as he signs. Out in the OPEN?? Really, Jax had no filter and it was kinda funny but still!! Cookie hides his face, willing away any… Interesting thoughts that come to mind.

‘A-anyways. I can do horror movies. You just wait and see.’ He looks up at the other, determined. Then an impish look comes to his face.

'I'm glad Marce got you back though. Sometimes you need to get that smugness taken down a notch.’ With that he walks away innocently, buying them tickets to the theater room.

'Oh? Are you challenging me, Cookie?' The bun smirks and follows behind the smaller bun, leaning against the counter as the other buys their tickets.

'If I remember correctly, ya ain't the type for horror movies. Something about the blood or something, not that I'm complaining.' He shrugs and watches his boss with a soft smile.

'But if you wanna prove a point, I'll help ya.' Jax offers his hand, grinning as he waits.

‘Perhaps,’ the other purrs, taking the tickets and giving one to Jax. Cookie hands one to the sloth bun, and while Jax is right… The blood does make him quesy… Well, it's easier to remind himself that movies are played up. Shock factor and all that.

The soft smile though has Cookie relaxing. Melting for the other as he takes the offered hand. 'If I do get scared I'll just hold your hand or something. But it's not like our… Usual danger, so maybe I'll just judge the characters survival instincts.’ A light jest.

'Ya can always hide behind me if you get too scared.' The bun teases, a bit of honey dripping down his chin.

He takes the smaller bun’s hand and leads him to their theater room. The room was empty, which wasn't a surprise since the movie had been out for a couple of months.

Jax found their seats and sat down, the bun pulling the small bun close to his side.

'Don't be scared, you'll be okay.' Jax chuckles, the bun patting the other's head.

'Maaaybe it would be better to be in your lap. For safety reasons.’ Cookie looks up innocently from under the bigger hand on his head. The honey always caught Cookie's attention, and he idly wonders if it would make any kisses sweeter. Addictive almost?

His tail idly bumps the seat in thought, realizing the movie has started with a victim of course. Gotta set up the atmosphere. Cookie makes a face, of course it's the blonde lady on her own in the forest at some odd hours. Cookie is glad she at least fought back some, so that's something.

'Of course, boss. Ya can always sit in my lap if ya want, ya can hide in my chest all ya want.' Jax smirks and leans back in the chair, spreading his legs a bit and pulling the smaller bun closer.

'Just let me know if I'm being too rough with ya. Don't wanna break the boss.' He teases and crosses his arms behind his head.

He glances over at the movie and yawns.

'Looks like they're about to start the action. The blonde will probably get taken down, not a smart decision going off the path and alone.'

'You’ll have to do better than that to break me.’ Cookie puffs up his chest, flipping his hair. 'I am much sturdier than I look, Jax. I bet you couldn't make me cry.’ He hopes he isn't overstepping. But it seems there is a game here, and Cookie is more than happy to partake. Tired of the circles they've been stuck in.

Once comfy in the single seat the two now share Cookie nods. 'At least this one figh-oh shit she punched him?? Do you think that was genuine or scripted?’ Cookie seems excited for this. She does die horribly though, Cookie winces as the trap finishes her off after having seemingly escaped the silent villain.

'Rip Blondie, woulda lived in another movie.’

'Yeah, she coulda, but she made bad choices and was killed off because of it. Ya can't blame them though, someone's gotta die for the plot to move forward, right?' Jax chuckles and glances down at his boss, the bun leaning against him and his body.

'And I can definitely make ya cry, boss. You're the softest bun I know. I bet I could even make ya scream, too.' Jax smirks down at his boss, leaning his head closer to the smaller bun.

'Oh, I can't wait to see ya beggin' for me, boss. Yer gonna love it.' He hums and rests his head on his hand, grinning ear to ear.

'But I ain't gonna break ya, yet. Unless ya want the whole theater to hear ya, I'm sure they wouldn't mind listening to ya cry.’

From his spot leaning back on Jax's chest, Cookie shivers. Eyes darting to the side to avoid the smirk as Cookie squirms. But he is listening, reading every sign. Tail curling around Jax's ankle.

Cookie swallows, the movie is now on some silly buns running a summer camp or something. He's not sure, but he's pretty sure they should be wearing life jackets or have first aid kits ready instead of mucking around.

This is why they die so easy. Really. Is it that hard to check PPE? Then again he runs a hotel… so maybe he runs differently.

'Maybe they'd think my screams are the movie.’ Weak argument, but now he's hot and bothered. 'But! I won't beg so easily. I refuse.’ He replies, determined but a little unsure now since Jax managed to get him all squirmy with just words. Oh this was going to be a long night… For the movie cast and himself.

'That's a shame, I would really like to hear ya beg.'

‘Blind’ Movie Date
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In Prompts ・ By TheStelliestStelli, soueatsbones

DID A OOPS SORRY! Capped at 2.6k words because woof it got a little too long 

Submitted By soueatsbones for Blind Date
Submitted: 5 months and 2 days agoLast Updated: 5 months and 2 days ago

TheStelliestStelli: Cookie muse and lines
soueatsbones: Jax Muse and lines
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