Drunk Filled Dream

In Prompts ・ By soueatsbones
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As the dance reached its zenith, Sini drew him close, her gaze locking with his in an unspoken communion. In that moment, time seemed to stand still, and the world around them faded into obscurity. Their breath mingled in the air, and Lucien felt a surge of longing and tenderness unlike anything he had ever known. It was as if the boundaries of his heart had dissolved, leaving him vulnerable and exposed to the depths of his emotions.

The air was thick with the scent of sweet mochi and heady spirits as the succubuns gathered to celebrate the eve of the new year. Lucien, resplendent in a daring ensemble of midnight velvet and shimmering sequins, reveled in the festivities, his laughter ringing out amidst the joyful cacophony of the Mochi Moon revelry. Beside him, Sini, his muse, shimmered in a cascade of iridescent silks, her laughter harmonizing with his own as they toasted to the promise of the year ahead.

As the night wore on, the two indulged in an abundance of delicious mochi, each bite releasing a burst of delectable flavor that danced across their tongues. They imbibed in libations that flowed freely, their laughter and merriment reaching a crescendo as the moon cast its radiant glow over the revelers. Soon, the heady combination of mochi and spirits began to take its toll, and one by one, the succubuns succumbed to the embrace of slumber.

Lucien found himself reclining on a plush cushion, the soft sounds of the festivities fading into the background as he drifted into a deep, mochi-induced dream. In his reverie, he found himself in a grand ballroom, the air alive with the lilting notes of a waltz. The room was aglow with an ethereal light, and as he looked around, he saw Sini standing before him, her eyes aglint with mischief and allure.

"You are so beautiful," he whispered, his words carrying the weight of his devotion and ardor. Sini's eyes shone with understanding and affection, and as she leaned in to kiss him, just as the dream threatened to consume him entirely, a sudden jolt shattered the illusion, wrenching Lucien from the reverie.

Blinking in the dim light of reality, he realized that he had woken from his slumber, the remnants of his dream lingering like a wistful echo. His heart raced, and he could feel a warmth creeping into his cheeks as he turned to glance at Sini, still lost in peaceful repose beside him.

A tumult of conflicting emotions surged within him, and Lucien struggled to gather his thoughts, his mind reeling from the intensity of the dream. He sighed softly, his breath catching in his throat as he averted his gaze, unwilling to confront the bewildering stirrings within him. The memory of the dream lingered like a bittersweet melody, leaving him unsettled and disoriented.

"What is happening to me?" he whispered, his words tinged with uncertainty and confusion.

He looked over to see Sini still peacefully asleep and the party around them continuing. The music, laughter, and scents of mochi enveloped him, and the memories of the dream were still fresh in his mind. Lucien shook his head and held his head, dismissing it as a weird nightmare from too much mochi and drinks.

"Just a dream," he muttered.

Still, there was a part of him that wondered if it was perhaps more than just a dream.

He took a deep breath, pushing away the thought and the strange feelings the dream had left him with, and forced himself to go back to sleep, hoping to get more rest before the sun came up.

He breathes in deeply, allowing the sounds and smells around him to soothe his frazzled nerves. He tries to clear his mind, pushing away the memories of the dream, and soon, his exhaustion wins out. His breathing evens out, and he falls into a deep, dreamless slumber.

As the night wore on, the music and revelry continued, with the other buns celebrating until the early hours of the morning. Sparklers danced in the sky, and the sweet smell of mochi filled the air. Sini and Lucien remained asleep, oblivious to the festivities around them. The two lost themselves in their own dreams and memories.

The Mochi Moon celebration was a time-honored tradition among the succubuns, a night where the veil between the mundane and the magical thinned, allowing for wondrous experiences and vivid dreams. It was said that the dreams one had on this night were omens of the year to come, whispers from the spirits of fortune and fate.

Sini stirred, her eyelids fluttering open to the kiss of sunlight on her skin. She turned to find Lucien still deep in sleep beside her, a serene expression on his face. A tender smile graced her lips as she watched him, the memory of their shared laughter from the night before warming her heart. She reached out, brushing a lock of hair from his forehead with a feather-light touch. Lucien, caught in the tranquil lull between dreams and wakefulness, murmured something incoherent, a smile tugging at the corners of his mouth.

As the world around them awoke to the new year, Sini contemplated the dream she had witnessed in Lucien's eyes. She had felt the intensity of his gaze and the depth of emotion that seemed to pour from his soul. It was a connection that transcended the mere physical realm, hinting at a bond that was both ancient and yet newly forged.

Sini pondered the significance of their dreams, wondering if they were mere figments of imagination fueled by the night's indulgences or if they held deeper meaning. The succubuns believed that dreams could be prophetic, messages from the spirits, or reflections of one's innermost desires and fears. If that were true, then what did it mean for her and Lucien? What threads of destiny were being woven on this sacred night?

The celebration of the Mochi Moon was a time for new beginnings, for casting off the old and looking forward to the potential of the future. As the other succubuns began to rouse from their slumber, a sense of anticipation filled the air. They greeted each other with smiles and soft words, sharing stories of their dreams and the hopes they held for the coming year.

Lucien finally awoke, his eyes opening to the sight of Sini's gentle smile. The dream still clung to the edges of his consciousness, but the disorientation had faded, replaced by a sense of clarity. He felt as if a veil had been lifted, allowing him to see the world around him with fresh eyes.

"Did you dream?" Sini asked, her voice tinged with curiosity.

"I did," Lucien admitted, his expression unreadable.

Drunk Filled Dream
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In Prompts ・ By soueatsbones
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Submitted By soueatsbones for Sweet Dreams
Submitted: 5 months and 4 days agoLast Updated: 5 months and 4 days ago

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