Tea Time

In Prompts ・ By Fire
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       It seemed like time had hardly passed, but Annalise had found themself once more in front of the gate of the Heavenly Assembly. Excitement over the possibilities of knowledge and recompense drove them and it was all they had thought about for the past week. They finally convinced their partner Mikayla to journey up with them, in the hopes of broadening her horizons as well. Faeby and Orni, their two imps, chased each other through the air playfully as they waited.

       “Are you certain you don’t want to come inside? The worst they can say is no.” Annalise said.

       “Nah babe, I’m good. I’ll come in if they say it’s cool but I’m not goin’ in otherwise. Orni and I will stand guard up here.” Mikayla answered, as her corvat gave a cry of protest. Mikayla tried to snatch him from the air but he darted just out of her reach.

       Annalise giggled. “What are you going to be standing guard against?”

       Mikayla turned back to her partner. “Cherubuns, duh! I can’t let them have their way with you until you’re ready.” She leaned into Annalise for a soft kiss. They broke apart a moment later, and Annalise reached to squeeze Mikayla’s hand.

       “You’re so silly. This is their home! Besides, I’m sure I won’t be any trouble to them.”

       “Not with that attitude! Go give ‘em hell, babe.” Mikayla waved at her partner as Annalise walked to the gate, Faeby trailing behind her.

       Not unlike her first visit here, Annalise’s stomach was full of butterflies. Last time, she was so caught up in thought that she didn’t even register that Primrose had come to the gate and opened it for her. She didn’t even know where the bell was, or knocker. How did Primrose get inside the gate when he arrived in the morning? Well, he lives inside so maybe he just never leaves— and he’s here now.

       Primrose stared at Annalise. “You snapped out of it quicker this time. I was expecting to wait for a while.”

       “Ah, sorry! I suppose I’m still not used to this.”

       Primrose’s lips shifted slightly, was he trying to grin? “Perhaps in time. Please, come inside.” Annalise crossed the threshold of the gate, and Primrose looked down the stairs at Mikayla and her corvat darting around in a game of tag. He sneered, then closed the gate behind him.

       “Now then. I assume you’re here to tend to the flowers we planted before.”

       “No sir, I’m here to as for a chat.”

       Primrose raised an eyebrow. “Follow me back to the greenhouse, unless you remember the way.”

       Annalise shook her head, and Primrose gave a slight nod. He once more led the two through glistening marble hallways, past stained glass windows reflecting the crystal light into hundreds of colors, and weaving between offices, libraries, and all manner of important, official-looking spaces. They finally came through the magnificent glass hallway and in through the wooden door to the greenhouse.

       The flora was as beautiful as ever, a sparkling mist seemingly suspended in midair while fragrances flowed freely through small breezes created by fans held throughout the greenhouse. Annalise walked automatically through the various flowerbeds and pots until she came to the rows of Heavensbell she planted. The soil looked largely the same, and she sighed.

       “It is growing, isn’t it?”

       Primrose followed behind them. “Yes, it takes time. I don’t think they’re accustomed to growing in a place that isn’t the Heavenly Meadow yet. But, once they require more hands-on tending, I will request you again.” Primrose tapped Annalise on the shoulder, and she jumped. Her lunell flittered around Primrose’s hand, and he flinched away from her. “Please follow me, I do have another task for you today.”

       Primrose led the two to a corner of the greenhouse with much smaller and fewer plants, though they were close to something Annalise could recall. Primrose carefully snipped a few leaves from a greenish sprout in the ground and turned to Annalise. “Wait here a moment.”

       Primrose departed through the hallway once more. Annalise was hoping that he’d finally be able to satiate her curiosity, but his snobbish behavior still left her feeling disheartened. What would she need to do to gain his trust? She didn’t have a green thumb, but she was trying her best! That’s all she could do really. Just try her best.

       He returned with a small green and gold bag smelling pleasantly of the garden. He walked back to Annalise and tried handing the bag to them, but Faeby flew down and immediately snatched the pouch Annalise giggled and Primrose recoiled at the sight, then composed himself.

       “Please take this satchel to Dove, I believe you know their address. They usually come by once a week to pick it up themselves, but I fear that living in… Burrowgatory misguided them.” Primrose shook his head, eyes downtrodden. “I… just wish they would return here more often. To family.”

       Annalise smiled softly. “They’re with their family, you know. A family you find is worth the family you’re raised with all the more.”

       Primrose seemed to gain hold of his emotion once more and composed himself before looking at Annalise. “I suppose… You’re correct. Now then. I’ll lead you back to the gate.”

       Faeby held the satchel the entire way back to the gate, chirping softly. Once they arrived at the gate, Primrose held up a hand to Annalise.

       “I haven’t forgotten your request for answers. You will find what you seek, in time. Please trust that I’m telling you the truth.”

       Annalise nodded. “Alright.”

       Primrose opened the gate, his shoulders relaxing as he scanned for Mikayla and her imp and didn’t see either. “Thank you for your help. We will see you again soon.”

       “Take care now, Primrose.”

       Annalise exited the Heavenly Assembly once more, breathing in the fresh air. She hadn’t gone more than a few steps before she felt two hands clasp her shoulders.

       “Boo! Did I getcha?”

       Annalise nearly jumped out of their skin, but Mikayla laughed and wrapped them in a big hug from behind. Faeby made what could only be described as a disgruntled growl, as Orni appeared out of nowhere to try and snatch the bag from the lunell.

       “Orni, please stop! We can’t let that break, it’s for Dove!”

       The corvat didn’t listen to Annalise, and continued soaring and pecking at Faeby. Annalise reached out and grabbed their imp while Orni angrily squawked.

       “Give it, give it! It smells so good!”

       “Orni, pipe down! You should respect Lise as much as you do me.” Mikayla scolded. 

       “So, not much?”

       Mikayla growled and tried to snatch the imp out of the air, as he squawked wildly and flew towards the elevator. Annalise couldn’t help but laugh, trailing after them.

       ~ ~ ~ 

       “So, that prick still didn’t tell you anything, huh?”

       Annalise shook their head. “Not yet. He said to trust him, and that he would tell me in time, but… I’m just so curious, I can’t help it!”

       The two were nearly to Dove and Jackal’s new apartment by this point. After an exciting ride in the elevator, with angry imps and Mikayla’s shouting, things had calmed down. Faeby was nestled in Annalise’s hair, as Orni flew lazily beside Mikayla. The satchel of what the two buns had discussed as being tea, was snuggled safely in Annalise’s arms. Once they reached the door of the apartment, Mikayla turned to look into her partner’s eyes.

       “Babe, I know. But, I don’t think that that asshole will tell you anything until he wants to, y’know? But maybe Dove can tell you a thing or two, they’re pretty smart. And don’t worry,” she said winking, “I’ll keep Jackal ‘entertained’ so you’re not interrupted.”

       Annalise rolled their eyes. “Just try not to be too loud this time, it’s very difficult to have a serious discussion when the walls are literally knocking.”

       Mikayla playfully nudged Annalise’s side. “I’ll make a game of it with her then; first one to moan has to finish last.” Mikayla knocked on the door and opened it immediately. “Guess who came to visit, these degens!”

       Jackal came to the door first. “Mikayla you bastard! C’mere.” Jackal nuzzled Mikayla’s head with her fist, Orni trying to grab her hand. Jackal shooed him away before inviting the two buns inside. “Annalise, how’re you doing?”

       “I’m well, thank you. Is Dove home?”

       As they walked into the apartment, Annalise’s question was answered upon seeing Dove snuggled up in a blanket reading a book on the sofa. Their soft face was so radiant that Annalise blushed, and taking off their reading glasses didn’t help calm Annalise’s heart. “Hello! I didn’t know we were expecting company today.” They got up and approached Annalise to give her a hug, then gave Mikayla an awkward smile.

       “Well, Mikayla was supposed to visit tomorrow, but it looks like she just couldn’t contain herself.” Jackal said, Mikayla giving a devilish grin.

       “We’ll get to it and get outta your way. Dove, Lise has something she wants to talk about with you.” Mikayla drew Jackal back towards the bedroom, the two laughing and exchanging quips as Orni flew around the living room before settling on the windowsill. After the door shut, Annalise relaxed, the stars and clouds trailing behind her pulsing warmly.

       “I talked to her, she said they’re going to try and be quiet this time.”

       “Ah, good. I’m still… getting used to that side of life here.” Dove replied. “Would you like to retire to the kitchen to chat? I’d offer you some tea, but I haven’t had the time to get some from the Embassy yet this week.”

       “Oh!” Annalise remembered her task from Primrose, and held out the bag to Dove. “That’s one of the reasons why I’m here actually! Primrose asked me to give these to you.” Dove took the bag and sniffed it with delight.

       “Thank you very much! We’ve been busy helping a few others settle into Burrowgatory, and I simply haven’t had the time to visit the Embassy. This smells like Primrose’s herbal blend, we’re in for a treat.”

       The two buns settled in the kitchen, Dove heading over to heat the kettle. Warm water, a boiling whistle, Fabey’s attempt at help that ended in a few knocked over utensils, and a few bags of tea later, and the pair had pleasantly warm cups of tea and some biscuits to enjoy alongside it. Annalise couldn’t help but admire how Dove effortlessly seemed to know their way around the kitchen, and how elegant they looked while preparing everything.

       “How are you finding it at the Embassy? I remember we talked previously about you wanting to visit.”

       “It’s simply lovely! Everything there is so beautiful, it really makes me… admire all of you, your convictions. I’ve been helping Primrose with the gardens in the greenhouse, but he’s certainly tough to connect with.”

       Dove laughed. “He’s always been like that, even as a kid!” Their face fell for a moment. “I think he’s taken Melangel’s teachings to heart, too much.”

       Annalise swirled her teaspoon inside her cup. “I apologize if I brought up a bad memory.

       Dove shook their head. “No, no, it’s alright. It’s therapeutic to talk about it after all.”

       Annalise reached out to take Dove’s hand. “I’m glad you feel that way, what I wanted to talk to you about is in relation to that.”

       Dove squeezed Annalise’s hand. “You can ask whatever you want my dear. You’ve been here for me, so it’s only right I’m here for you.”

       Annalise blushed once more, and withdrew their hand to take another sip of tea. “I want to learn more about… your collective past. I want to try and connect, to understand how I can overcome my past transgressions. How is it that one becomes good?”

       Dove laughed softly. “Annalise, you’re already plenty good!”

       “No, no I mean…” She sighed. “When I was growing up, I… hurt others, by standing idly by and being complacent. I never want to hurt another bun because of that.” Annalise looked Dove in the eyes. “I want to stand up for buns who have been hurt and help them. If I can understand what others went through, I can help more.”

       “Oh, sweetheart.” Dove got up and rounded the table to give Annalise a hug. “Just showing that amount of care for others shows you’ve already taken humility to heart.”


       Dove sat back down in their chair, nibbling on a biscuit. “It’s one of the seven heavenly virtues, which is what Melangel raised us in mind of. Think about it this way: when the demons raised you, you grew your horns in for what vice you showed in youth, correct?”

       Annalise nodded.

       “Your horns, they’re for pride, right? You must have been very proud of something.” Dove chuckled. “Virtues are sort of the opposite. Vices are more about self-indulgence, and letting yourself be true and experience life as you want. That’s the best way I can think of it. But virtues…” Dove looked away, furrowing their brow. “Virtues are more about, serving others. Displaying characteristics that show self-control.” Dove looked back at Annalise. “So, the opposite of your vice I would say, would be humility. You’re putting others above yourself and showing you care for their well-being, and aren’t boastful of your own advantages.” They smiled. “You’re already well on your way for showing your goodness to others, and I’m sure Primrose understands what you want. He’s probably working out how to educate you in his own way.”

       Annalise digested everything Dove told them, nodding along and mentally taking notes. “I think I’m beginning to understand. Thank you very much for the explanation Dove.”

       They beamed. “You’re most welcome! I’m always happy to help.”

       Annalise and Dove continued their conversation for some time, until long after the tea had been drank and the biscuits eaten. Faeby settled on Annalise’s lap for a nap, and the cozy atmosphere pervaded. It was wonderful to connect for each of them, learning about their past and exploring what the future could offer.

       The bedroom door opened, and Mikayla and Jackal entered the kitchen, both looking disheveled but slightly unamused.

       “Oh, Jackal! How was your, err…” Dove trailed off.

       “It was a good time, until it wasn’t.” Jackal replied, staring daggers at Mikayla.

       “Did something happen?” Annalise chimed in.

       “Nothing happened, that’s the thing!” Mikayla said, glaring back at Jackal. “We were so focused on being quiet that we couldn’t even—“

       “Alright, thank you for visiting you two, see you again later!” Dove interrupted, standing up and ushering Annalise and Mikayla to the door, bright red blush across their face. They unceremoniously made their way to the front door, Orni flying up from the windowsill.

       “Hey, round two tomorrow Kay?” Jackal called.

       “Wouldn’t miss it! And this time, I’ll be sure to make you—“

       “Goodbye Annalise, thanks for the lovely conversation, come again!” Dove shut the front door in front of them. Annalise blinked and turned to Mikayla.

       “What was that all about?”

       Mikayla shrugged. “I was gonna say, we were so quiet that nobody even finished. It was fun sure, but like…” She hugged Annalise. “We were trying to be respectful, which isn’t the normal jam. Just something to get used to.” Mikayla planted a kiss on her partner’s forehead. “Anyways, how was your visit?”

       Annalise smiled and looked upwards, towards the air. “Wonderful, I feel like that tea time gave me the clarity I needed to piece everything together.”

       “Good, I’m glad to hear that.” Mikayla snuggled Annalise for a moment before withdrawing her arms and holding their hand. “Wanna go back home?”

       “Absolutely my love.” Annalise smiled coyly. “Maybe I can finally teach you some humility as well.”

Tea Time
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In Prompts ・ By Fire

Part 2 of Annalise's journey to accept her past, this time featuring a whole slew of characters! Did our heroine uncover the knowledge they sought from Primrose, or was a likely ally the one to spark their mind?

Submitted By Fire for Pursuit of Diligence: Chapter 2
Submitted: 8 months and 1 week agoLast Updated: 8 months and 1 week ago

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