Stars and Mochi

In Prompts ・ By soueatsbones
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Lumen stood before a traditional wooden mortar, a determined glimmer in their eyes. They had heard tales of the artistry involved in making mochi, and their curiosity had been piqued. Clad in an apron and armed with a hefty mallet, they were ready to embark on their mochi-making adventure.

With a deep breath, Lumen grasped the wooden mallet firmly and brought it down upon the steamed rice in the mortar. The rhythmic thuds echoed through the kitchen, accompanied by their excited giggles. They envisioned the perfectly smooth and elastic mochi forming under their expert blows.

However, as Lumen continued to pound, they soon realized the true challenge of the task. The stickiness of the dough made the mallet cling to their hands, causing their grip to slip. With a startled yelp, Lumen stumbled backward, almost losing their balance.

The occultist fell back causing the mallet fly up then bonk them right on the head. Well there goes Lumen, thumped on the ground with silly little stars circling around them.

Dan, watching from a safe distance, couldn't help but sigh. He had seen this coming. With a shake of his head, he stepped forward, his experienced hands taking over. Lumen, still seeing stars from the momentary disorientation, blinked rapidly and regained their composure. As their vision cleared, they caught a glimpse of Dan at work.

They looked up, watching Dan's hands fly nimbly over the rice and mallet.
It was almost as if Dan's movements were choreographed. With a swift and fluid motion, the way his arms flexed as he brought down the mallet, and the confident smile on his face... it was simply mesmerizing.

Lumen felt themselves getting lost in the moment. Their face was growing redder and hotter by the second, and they could barely look away.

"Are you alright?" Dan asked, suddenly breaking the silence. "You're looking a little red. It's probably best if you go rest for now."

Lumen jolted out of their daze and stammered.
"I-I'm alright! Just a little lightheaded, that's all," they said. "Besides, I've always wanted to see someone make mochi like this. I just can't bear to look away."

They turned their gaze toward the mortar, trying their best to hide the rosy flush on their face.

"Well, since you're here, let’s go to the next step. I don’t trust you near a mortar. ” Dan said, smiling.
"The next step?" Lumen asked, tilting their head curiously.
"Mochi-tsuki. Kneading the dough."
"Oh! That sounds fun!" Lumen exclaimed, clasping their hands together excitedly.

They watched in awe as Dan continued to pound the dough with a steady, yet strong pace. He carefully kneaded the dough, shaping it into a smooth and round shape.

"There we go. Now we just have to put the filling in."

"What are you going to use?"

"Peach. It's your favorite, right?"
Lumen nodded, beaming brightly.

Dan filled the middle of the dough with peach filling, then quickly sealed it up. He placed the sealed dough into the wooden tub and covered it with a cloth.

"Now we have to wait 10 minutes before we can do the final shaping."

Lumen eagerly sat cross-legged on the floor, watching the clock. As the seconds ticked by, they bounced excitedly, unable to contain their enthusiasm.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, the timer went off.
Dan removed the dough from the tub and began to carefully shape it. He worked with the dough, rolling it into a neat and even circle.

Lumen was completely enthralled by his technique. The way he rolled the dough so gently, with just the right amount of pressure. It was almost as if he had done it a thousand times before.

As Dan finished shaping the dough, he looked over at Lumen.
"Here you go. Your very own peach mochi."
"Of course. It's the least I could do for you helping me out today."

Lumen gingerly took the mochi and held it close to their chest. They couldn't help but smile widely.

"Thank you so much! It's the best mochi I've ever had!"
"Well, that's because I made it, isn't it? Come on, now. Don't let it go cold."

Lumen eagerly took a bite, their eyes lighting up.
"Delicious! It's so sweet and soft!"
"I'm glad you like it, now let’s see you try to make one next time. But maybe I should teach you the more simple version."
Lumen giggled and nodded.

"Sounds like a deal!"
"It's a deal, then."

As they shook hands, Lumen's heart skipped a beat. They shook their head again while Dan raises a brow at the action.

"I'm just happy, is all. You know how much I love peaches," they lied while looking away with a nervous chuckle.

"I do. You can't get enough of the fruit. Always ordering the peach one and no other flavor."
"That's because they're so delicious!”

Stars and Mochi
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In Prompts ・ By soueatsbones
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Submitted By soueatsbones for Sweat and Sweets
Submitted: 7 months and 1 week agoLast Updated: 7 months and 1 week ago

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[Stars and Mochi by soueatsbones (Literature)](
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