[Matentines] Blind Date

In Prompts ・ By Keanu
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There were no major expectations for this, as it was a blind date, but surely there were hopes of a good time at the very least. A light blue bun with visible clouds full of chilly fragrance has hopped to the venue - a wide park area with plenty of vendors, a market. It's mostly food and trinkets, small fun games and relaxing scenery... it's perfect for a date, be it the first or the fifth and beyond. She's excited, having dressed in denser clouds about her tiny body like a floating scarf and perhaps a fun lace collar and purse of carat and cards, now bounding up to who is believed to be the date.

A recently phoned bun of similar cloudy quality it seems like, which is a plus even if it wasn't expected! A bright smile with bright straight teeth and a wave of a cloven hoof to greet the gentlebun and begin with introductions. You know. To get those out there.

Before she could embarrass herself for getting it wrong first, perhaps-

"Kaori!" The blue-white, crystalline hell rabbit pipes up. "The one you surely got done thinking about, I hope! And with an empty stomach too, maybe, look where we stand?"

"It's nice to finally meet someone new after staying in so long, ha ha..."

Blind dates weren't usually this bun's things, hell, let alone getting out of his little nook wasn't easy either. Yet here he is, taking on such an "adventure" if one could call it such. He could feel his clouds rumbling and tumbling along with him as feet pitter pattered, senses being filled with the sounds of chatter and various foods. It made him nervous. 

Kuhle made an effort to pay attention though, hearing the lightness of this other bun's voice, the cool air that surrounded her. 

"Kuhle." Sounded so curt and almost apologetic. "Sorry if I made you wait long. Took me a while to get moving, food is a good motivator though." Gave a small wave to the clouds, parting what's been building for hours. 

"Staying in is a specialty but, thank you for meeting me out like this." Looked around at the stalls, wondering what would be a first start now that they're there together. "Shall we uh start our food journey?"

"Honestly, I could stand to wait a little while sometimes. Some of the crowd might have dispersed so we can get something even more fresh!"

Nodding, the Lady of Fog nods and holds out a cloven paw to allow Kuhle the lead first, and maybe coyly get that first hand hold slash handshake slash high five, or something. At least holding out that limb forward and not directed at any one of those gestures can hide the intention, but also look awkward.

Kaori puts that mitt down and clutching her purse before, hopefully, the awkwardness sets in too much about *oh no did I go too fast, already?* and getting to the picking. Which is the steamiest looking stall she spotted first and happily guides Kuhle over to it and the grilling kebabs over open flames from the owner's own tail. 

"So, what is it that you do? Or maybe you'd like to pick a different stall first before passing that info?"

"Right. Yes." Quick to agree, unsure of how else to proceed. 

Took a glance at her paw outstretched to lead the way, looking down at his own cloven distractions. Upon a few steps, even if the crowd wasn't too bad, just shyly reached back to place a gentle paw on Kaori's. Ya know when eating something cold and sweet, sends shivers? Thats what it felt like but, in a good way.

Even though he took lead, followed right where she wanted to go, coolest breeze tickling past the his own clouds that were soon warmed by the smell of kebabs, crackle and sizzle of confidence over something so powerful. 


"Oh uh this is fine.. It smells good." Made him even hungrier. "What I do is make music. Singing, writing and composing." Decided to put in a order for two, can't let em get cold. 

"What of yourself?"

It's going good so far, and that's a good sign. Even if it's barely begun. There really isn't a time limit for this, beyond the urge to stay so long all the vendors would go home before they do!

"Odd jobs. Here and there, jack of all trades, master of none... that sort of thing, ha ha ha." A humble reply is given back, tiny arms swerving and clinging a see-thru plastic purse around the succubun's body as the order is made. Then, an idea struck her as... well. Just *two* orders of that grilled goodness? That won't do at all! So, with a grin, those two orders became more, giggling on the spot about it.

"But what I like doing the most is giving people things that they can eventually would have to pay back in increments! ... So like a loan shark but actually friendly and understanding and not wanting to buy out and monopolize your chilly yams from you. *Yeah, what a strange request right? But ice potatoes are hard to farm!*"

She chatters on to make up for the mistake she might have made. Old sins die never.

"What I meant was that it's a thing I like doing but it's nice getting things too."

Oops, a little more food might have overdone it, as the vendor leans over to hand the two at least two kebabs each - and had the blue-white bun laughing at least, turning to Kuhle.

"But don't you think that this is gonna be something you'd have to pay back. I'm payin'."

And by that, she goes to pay for it all, whipping out her money before she could even let her date do anything similar.

Puffy little brows raised in surprise at the extra order of kebabs, looking between the delighted chef and his confident date. 

"Ah.. I see. That is an interesting way of working things. Comforting in a strange way though." He personally didn't like owing folks things, no matter how small or big. That was a debt to be taken care of quickly.

"I may not have much to give but, if there is anything that requires uh any assistance please let me know."

The distinct smell of food drew his attention back to the stall, Kuhle could feel most of his clouds recceeding just a bit as his little paws were now occupied by yummy food. 

"I'll definitely repay you. But the next stall shall be my treat." Quickly blew on the food, popping it in his mouth. It was practically a game of hot potato.

Kaori's crystal tipped tail wags a little more and nose wiggles in happiness as the two buns really do seem to be hitting it off well. "Well" as in, not said or done anything to scare each other off? Good. That's always good. But also, she's hungry and the rest of the smells coming from the market are calling them.

It's as tasty as it looks at least, as she picks off a piece of veggies and meat off the skewer.

"Getting to hear your music could be a start, but! The prospect of more taste testing is good to me!"

Kaori, now having to walk instead of rushing about on all fours, carries her food with attention drawn to one and then the other to quickly munch on her pieces to follow the cloudier partner to the next stall and the next.

"Music and food one day... think about it! What a sweet combo from a sweet guy!"

The kebabs surely didn't last long in his hands. Scorching hot, even though Kuhle blew as strong as the wind could carry out of him. He'd have to try making this himself next time. 

Picked at his teeth. "Oh, well.. Whenever you'd like, let me know." Didn't always expect others to have such interest in what was done but it did produce a little happiness. 

"I-I don't know about sweet.. But if that's something you'd enjoy, sure."

The next stall was a little more spicy but, it wasn't much of a challenge. It was nice chatter, from stall to stall and the back and forth of repayment though Kuhle always felt like he had to do it twice over. 

The time together with Kaori was starting to become memorable and was glad he decided to step out a bit with this whole blind date fun, the fog and misty clouds rolling together down the vendors street of shared pleasure in conversation. Truly the beginning endless start of foodies paradise adventure.

[Matentines] Blind Date
1 ・ 0
In Prompts ・ By Keanu

A collaborative RP between myself and Keanu, using Kaori & Kuhle Msutu!

Submitted By mieldyne for Blind Date 2023View Favorites
Submitted: 1 year and 4 months agoLast Updated: 1 year and 4 months ago

Keanu: Roleplay Partner
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[[Matentines] Blind Date by Keanu (Literature)](https://succubuns.com/gallery/view/1386)
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