Comments on [Closed] [Auction] Seafoam vs Stardust

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Pancates Avatar


2024-07-01 19:37:48

shiba Avatar


2024-07-01 20:03:53

biinarysttars Avatar


2024-07-02 12:04:12

Yves Avatar
Yves Staff Member

Hi there-- the highest bidder wasn't able to pay, so this is now the highest bid! Please let us know if you're still interested in this sale, thank you!

2024-07-05 10:07:42

biinarysttars Avatar

Hello! I'm so sorry for the late response. Unfortunately, my cat had a medical emergency yesterday. If you're willing to hold until Thursday, I could pay then, but otherwise they'll have to go to the next bidder. Thank you so much TuT

2024-07-06 09:23:10