MYO-602: Narcissus

Owned by Blesmol
Breeding Pair Form

2024 Breeding Partner: MYO-810 
Blesmol has permission to breed this succubun, because that's me. :P

 Narcissus Jonquil 

Envy • 6'2'' • Nepo-Failson
"Haven't you heard of me? ...You will."

A trust-fund brat with more money than he knows what to do with (courtesy of an allowance granted by his influential demonic caretaker), Narcissus lives an enviably comfortable life. "Comfortable" isn't good enough for him, though. He wants more. Specifically, he wants anything other people have. As long as someone, anyone has more than him - more wealth, more fame, more power, more lovers - his gnawing jealousy demands he take what they have. Narcissus wants to - needs to - be the best of the best.

Unfortunately for him, he's kind of the worst. Obnoxious, arrogant, elitist and shallow, void of talent or cleverness, his vacuous personality often relieves him of the few allies he briefly charms or bribes to his side in his ceaseless quest for success and adoration. It's enough to almost make a person feel sorry for him... at least until he opens his mouth again.
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