MYO-810: Inque

Owned by Blesmol

 Inque Spot 

Lust • 5'0'' • Starlet
"It's not personal... it's just show business."

Inque's image and voice have graced the stage and silver screen. A captivating singer, actress and dancer, she's a triple-threat, though most wouldn't use the word "threat" to describe her at all. With her cute looks, old-fashioned charm and endless well of affection for her fans, she's a sweetheart of Burrowgatory, known for her bubbly, innocent persona. Of course, it's just that - a persona.

Off the stage, Inque is as clever and cold as the cephalopods she shares half her limbs with. She uses smoke and mirrors to distract and dizzy the big fish prowling the dark waters of showbusiness. After all, no matter how sharp their teeth, most people are suckers - and she knows a sucker like the back of her tentacle. While far from imposing, she has power in ink - business deals, contracts and the press hanging on her every word... and there are whispers that she has her tentacles in even more shadowy affairs than entertainment.
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