MYO-575: Katsu

Owned by Roroko

2024 Breeding Partner: MYO-479

Pooch has permission to breed this succubun.

Click [HERE] for a full-sized unwatermarked image of his tattoos for art!

🍗 Katsu 🍗
Age ~Late 20s
Height 6’6”
Gender Male (He/Him)
Orientation Bi
NSFW? No (Vers/Dom)
Relationships? No
Breeding? No
Detailed Profile WIP

With Burrowgatory’s rapidly growing populace, it was no secret that Murmur had an expanding list of demons to hand off fresh baby buns to. The need for more caretakers came with less vouching from Murmur himself, and what each demon did with the newest additions handed to them could vary greatly as a result. Not all demons were as loving as Murmur, nor did they view succubuns as he did, worthy of love and special care. Some were raised as nothing but pets, and others for specific purposes; some succubun, like Katsu, were raised to serve, and serve well they did. Grouped together with a number of other miscreant succubun, Katsu served Yomotsu-shikome, an unassuming yokai whose elderly visage belied her unyielding cruelty. They did anything for her: from the mundane such as common household chores, to the dirty work that those above her station doled out to her.

How Katsu got away from his master was anyone’s guess…he’s never divulged much when asked, and preferred to keep quiet about his past, but the discipline that had been beaten into him was apparent as soon as you met him: Katsu was quiet. Almost unnervingly so, he tended to speak more with his eyes than his mouth, a habit developed after being raised by a master who firmly believed in the concept of her lessers only speaking when they were spoken to. Even now, freed from her oppressive yoke, Katsu was still a man of few words, although when you got to know him his silence became more of an awkward thing—as if he was quiet sheerly because he simply did not know how to voice his wants and feelings.

Despite how brutish and short he can come across with his words and actions, Katsu is not malicious. He’s inquisitive about everything around him, especially the succubun he meets, and allows himself to steep in the sins he was deprived of while serving his master (how comfortable he is with doing that around others is a different story, though). This can be seen especially when it comes to food, where he readily indulges in big, hearty meals, making him a common sight at many of Burrowgatory’s eateries that can put up with his gluttonous appetite. Rumor even has it that he has an affinity for demure and cute things, especially other succubun and…bonezos?

alcohol tolerance High

libido Average

credit score Average
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