MYO-479: Fern

Owned by Pooch

2024 Breeding Partner: MYO-575
Roroko has permission to breed this succubun.

Fern uses he/they pronouns and can present as any gender

Fern is a wild and free spirited bun who loves attention. He likes control and being the one who decides how the game plays out. Want to tame the wild spirit? Gotta fight fire with a bigger fire, if not... he will probably just step on you.  Fern has a twin sister who he dotes and adores, something he only started doing once they had both grown up. Fern was far too focused on himself and getting all eyes on him, something that played a big roll in the type of horns he developed. Items, shiny things and attention, he would do it all just to sate his needs.  Fern has a scar on his face, something he got from his twin sister when they were still baby buns. Fern doesn't hold any grudges against his sister and love how unique it makes him look, just something more to garner sympathy and eyes on him. 

Fern has a Rabebe called Soot, a pet he just happened to adopt one day, liking how unique the pet looked. He is often seen carrying around Soot whenever he has the time, doting on the little creature. 

Fern works as a full time model together with his twin under Volans talent agency. He also works as an influencer along his model work, wanting to keep fans and stans updated on everything that goes on in his life. Their attention and likes only playing into his ego. 

His favorite food? Strawberries. 

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