MYO-1641: Shuuji

Owned by Arashi-Penguin


Kusuriya | Haraiya
"You know table salt doesn't ward off any spirits... right?"

Travels peddling remedies and talismans. Smells of incense and smoke.

A rightful worrywort. Cursed with trickster spirits, he often finds himself tripping over trivial things or dropping his icecream.

A man with this own rhythm. Does things at his own pace. Finds things are worth taking their time over so avoids rushing activities.

Has a soft spot for small cute things.

More info and art on his TH


Spiritual Buddy | Friend

Found eachother on the equivilant of Facebook Marketplace for old incense.

Rai often calls Shuuji up when she needs a medium.

When Rai does a reading for Shuuji, his spirits always fuck it up giving him all towers. For better or for worse, he will never know his fortune.

Treats him akin to her little brother Reki. Though very different in nature, they both give off chain smoking tall desheveled man.

Friend's Brother | Occasional Boss

Rai introduced the both of them to eachother.

Reki will occassionally hire Shuuji to clense his shop after someone died there or his sister tells him the energy levels were rancid.

Shuuji always reccommends his talismans but Reki "doesn't like his shop looking like a haunted house."

Reki is super icked out when Shuuji goes pspspspspspspsps at dead people spirits in his shop.

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