MYO-4499: Renan

Owned by SunSalute




If Renan were a tarot card, he would be The Lovers reversed. Not because (in his words) 'I'm a hit with aaaaall the buns', but because he struggles to form meaningful connections when his perceptions of his inner and outer self vary so much.




Occupation: Imp rehabilitator and Marce's assistant

Hobbies: skateboarding, crocheting teeny imp clothes, experiencing existential dread at the concept of 'free will', cooking, watching Jack(alope)ass





- skateboarding!

- sunning himself

- overthinking everything

- rescuing mistreated imps

- incense

-flirting without intent



- the reminder that he can be perceived

- being shown genuine affection (this will shut down his brain)



- Marce:  Renan can often be found pottering about either at Marce's flat or Marce's little tarot stall, being a very helpful bun



- he is just a little guy! no NSFW right now!

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