MYO-4294: Scarlet

Owned by SunSalute



Scarlet is a feminine bun that can often be found partaking in her homesteading hobbies of cooking, gardening and singing - none of which she has any talent for, but that won't stop her! She's quick to compliment and slow to anger, and up for any harebrained scheme suggested to her.

'Scarlet's Scarlets' is her pop-up food stand, where she sells experimental red food, although her most enthusiastic customers are her own imps.




Occupation: homesteader

Hobbies: cooking, gardening, singing, photography





- cooking (although her food has been described as 'experimental')

- complimenting her plants (so they know it's okay to grow big and strong, but only if they feel like it)

- board games (she's vicious)



- whoever keeps stealing her tomatoes



- Shares a (platonic) braincell with Hilde


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