MYO-3704: Coconut ♡
Pronouns He/Him, They/Them
Age 25~
Bun Type Sloth
One of life's mysteries
Single Voice Claim
Link (wip) Height
5'6" (167cm)
( "After Party") Song Link
Silent · Silly · Friendly
A frequent visitor of Auro'ra Steams, this peculiar succubun is a man of very few words. Coco spends his time enjoying saunas, hot springs, massage parlors, and popular eating spots, letting his intricately crafted and vividly expressive internet blog do most of the talking. He reviews other things, most often times niche things like; "Vending Machine Besides The Eastburrow Sign" or "Gumball Machine Outside of Burrowgatory Mall's Front Entrance."
Coco is observant and laidback, going with the flow in almost any situation. However, if you try to force a response when he’s not in the mood to talk—he’ll simply walk away. Though his silence could easily be interpreted as shyness, that just isn't true; Coco is quite social and enjoys being around other people. His silence comes from not seeing it to be super necessary when communicating whatever it is he wants to share. If he wants to speak, he'll speak.
Lil Coco by RooTea (Profile: 50 % COMPLETE)
- Baths (this has been established)
- Tangerines, oranges (also has been established)
- Plushies!!
- His favorite streamer, PillowF0rt
- Juggling, clowns, parlor tricks
- Being in crowds, being near people
- Calling anything spherical "oranges"
- Limes. Lemons are on thin ice.
- Confrontational personalities
- Anime
- Surprises :(
- Scary movies
- People not cleaning up after themselves
- Body odor
Didn't plan this baby! Didn't even consider the idea of a capybara themed bun. So it was randomly one day in the Succubun Discord, zepandovski posted a wip of a bun design they did for fun inspired by a capybara plushie they got. I joked about 'yoinking' the design to have the cutie to myself, and Pandi was just "yeah sure man" then they fucking finished the wip for me to submit. Huh????? I fell in love fast and got the drinks even faster, needed this baby to be real. Anyways ily Pandi tysm for your generosity xoxoxo
So Coco's doll design was a pretty simple idea! I knew he'd be chunky, fuzzy, chill af, and probably wearing only a bathing towel + flipflops. Also, if you're curious about the name. He's named after the "coconut doggy" meme when referring to capybaras!
- Coconut doesn't really care about the pronouns people refer to him with!
- The tangerines on his head are fake, they're actually juggling balls! If you ask, he'll show you some cool tricks. He learnt how to juggle so he could properly review a circus he was going to see and document on his blog.
- His blog and online handle is "Tangerine_Tower"
- The most oranges he's stacked and balanced on his head was 15 total!
- He likes making weird little sounds. He's stimming.
- coconuts
"I watch her streams. I have some of her merch as well. She doesn't wear orange often, though. I know it'll look great on her. 8/10." -- Coconut
"Yay! Parall! We're good friends. I like him. He's funny. And famous. We met during one of my viewings of The Celestial Rhapsody, I went to make a review. He called me backstage when he learnt I was there, 'cuz he reads my blog. Then he took me out to dinner and then we had sex. it was great. 9/10." --Coconut
" Yes. Hotspring Queen. 10/10." -- Coconut
"... m-mmm. We talk at the bubble tea place he works at. I hope he likes me, he's very kind and beautiful. 10/10." -- Coconut
"2/10." -- Coconut
Art by ba-mot
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed augue mauris, gravida nec mauris sed, tempus consectetur ipsum. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Sed pretium mollis consectetur. Sed nibh nisi, lobortis vel tempus a, aliquam ac urna. Donec vel quam consectetur, gravida quam et, lacinia mauris. Vivamus luctus lacus ut velit malesuada dignissim. Etiam nibh odio, scelerisque vitae lacus ut, tincidunt sodales nibh. Integer at magna dignissim, accumsan eros eget, viverra odio. Phasellus porta dui eu commodo pharetra. Morbi id lacus finibus, feugiat ex eget, porttitor neque. Fusce lobortis iaculis diam quis accumsan. Duis nec quam mollis, rutrum quam vel, pellentesque dui. Proin orci enim, pulvinar vitae ullamcorper in, eleifend et leo. Quisque vel tempor dui, quis luctus diam. Nunc quis tellus ac neque cursus viverra. Phasellus convallis quam nisi, eu convallis metus scelerisque ac.
Phasellus rutrum erat nisi, facilisis mattis risus blandit vel. In a mauris sollicitudin, consectetur quam vel, faucibus lectus. Praesent diam dolor, euismod vel ante eu, commodo mollis eros. Duis venenatis sollicitudin viverra. Phasellus quis nunc consequat magna placerat imperdiet a et ex. Quisque tincidunt dui in nulla ullamcorper, nec egestas velit cursus. Praesent commodo et sapien ut malesuada. Pellentesque in pellentesque magna, ac cursus eros. Pellentesque vel vestibulum dui. Suspendisse eu tempor quam. Vestibulum nec lectus risus. Nunc semper nulla tempor magna faucibus dictum.
rearing / childhood
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed augue mauris, gravida nec mauris sed, tempus consectetur ipsum. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Sed pretium mollis consectetur. Sed nibh nisi, lobortis vel tempus a, aliquam ac urna. Donec vel quam consectetur, gravida quam et, lacinia mauris. Vivamus luctus lacus ut velit malesuada dignissim. Etiam nibh odio, scelerisque vitae lacus ut, tincidunt sodales nibh. Integer at magna dignissim, accumsan eros eget, viverra odio. Phasellus porta dui eu commodo pharetra. Morbi id lacus finibus, feugiat ex eget, porttitor neque. Fusce lobortis iaculis diam quis accumsan. Duis nec quam mollis, rutrum quam vel, pellentesque dui. Proin orci enim, pulvinar vitae ullamcorper in, eleifend et leo. Quisque vel tempor dui, quis luctus diam. Nunc quis tellus ac neque cursus viverra. Phasellus convallis quam nisi, eu convallis metus scelerisque ac.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed augue mauris, gravida nec mauris sed, tempus consectetur ipsum. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Sed pretium mollis consectetur. Sed nibh nisi, lobortis vel tempus a, aliquam ac urna. Donec vel quam consectetur, gravida quam et, lacinia mauris. Vivamus luctus lacus ut velit malesuada dignissim. Etiam nibh odio, scelerisque vitae lacus ut, tincidunt sodales nibh. Integer at magna dignissim, accumsan eros eget, viverra odio. Phasellus porta dui eu commodo pharetra. Morbi id lacus finibus, feugiat ex eget, porttitor neque. Fusce lobortis iaculis diam quis accumsan. Duis nec quam mollis, rutrum quam vel, pellentesque dui. Proin orci enim, pulvinar vitae ullamcorper in, eleifend et leo. Quisque vel tempor dui, quis luctus diam. Nunc quis tellus ac neque cursus viverra. Phasellus convallis quam nisi, eu convallis metus scelerisque ac.
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